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Education K-12: Documentaries


This page will introduce you to the library's Films On Demand database. This database contains thousands of documentaries on a wide range of topics, including K-12 teaching techniques and issues.

Click on the Films on Demand logo to search the database. For searching tips scroll down this page before you get into the FOD database. 

Searching By Browsing

You can browse the Subjects. To do this you go up to the top left of the screen and click on the three lines next to the Films on Demand Logo

Click on link next to FOD logo and choose Subject

Click on View All under Subjects.



You should see Explore Subjects, with columns of subjects underneath. You should see Education without having to scroll. You will also see some subcategories, such as Classroom Management, Early Childhood Education and Teacher Effectiveness underneath the main subject.

Screen capture of subject lists



Click on Classroom Management

Screen capture of subject lists including Education



The two titles below are some of the first titles that come up. You will pull up more than two titles in this category. You can browse the titles and click on a title to start viewing a documentary. 


Screen capture showing two titles from the list that comes up when you click on Classroom Management

















Searching By Keyword

The search bar will appear at the top of the screen as soon as you click on the database title. Films on Demand does not have a strong searching mechanism so stick to simple searches and prepare to scroll. We will use the example "active learning."



The screen below shows a few of the titles that come up. Some of the titles are full videos. Others are segments of videos. You can watch the segment or you can click on the title of the whole video (seen under the segment title.)