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Nursing: Cultural/Religious Competency

Resource guide for Nursing: includes databases, websites, government sites.


Use the following databases to find information about various cultures/religions and nursing practices.

You must use sources published within the last 10 years and can use academic books and articles. Look at the citation information to find the publishing date. 

Credo Reference


Use Credo Reference to find general information about your religion.

You might be prompted to enter your KCTCS email address & password to log into the databases.

Search these keywords:

(religion or culture) dietary laws

  • example: Muslim dietary laws

(religion or culture)

  • example: Hinduism

(religion or culture) and procreation 

  • example: Catholic and procreation, catholic and birth control

Continue to search your religion/culture and the keyword (holidays, symbols, death) you wish to address

EBSCO Ebooks

EBSCO eBook Collection - click here to access the EBSCO eBook Collection

You might be prompted to enter your KCTCS email address & password to log into the databases.

Search EBSCO eBook Collection for full text academic books about your assigned religion/culture or nursing and religion.

Use keywords such as: muslim beliefs or nursing and cultural competency or nursing and religion

Limit your results by date using the tool on the left side.

screenshot of EBSCO results with Limiter for publication year highlighted with a black circle

Suggested Titles:

Article Databases

Use EBSCOhost & Gale databases to find articles from magazines and academic journals.

You might be prompted to enter your KCTCS email address & password to log into the databases.

Nursing Specific Databases:

  1. CINAHL Full-Text (EBSCOhost)
  2. Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition (EBSCOhost)
  3. Nursing and Allied Health Collection (Gale)

General Databases:

  1. Academic Search Complete (EBSCOhost)
  2. Academic OneFile (Gale)

Search Tips:

  • Always limit your results to "full-Text"
  • Limit your date from 2010 - 2020
  • Always use 2 or more keywords in your search. Connect keywords with the word AND
    • Example:   nursing practice AND Jewish patients

Image of search limiters in EBSCO

Image of gale search page

Image for searching in gale databases

APA Citations in Credo Reference

See APA Research Guide For Information Regarding In-Text Citations

APA 7th Edition Research Guide

Select the "Citation Tool" for the APA citation for your references page. Double check capitalization. Only the first letter of the first word of the title, first word of subtitle, and all proper nouns is capitalized. 


Image of citation tool on Credo Reference




EBSCO eBook Collection Tutorial & APA Citations

Select the "Cite" icon on the right toolbar for the APA citation for your references page. Double check capitalization. Only the first letter of the first word of the title, first word of subtitle, and all proper nouns is capitalized. Screenshot of EBSCO ebook result with orange arrow pointing to citation tool on right menu


APA Citations in EBSCO & Gale Databases

See APA Research Guide For Information Regarding In-Text Citations

APA Research Guide

Select the "Cite" icon on the right toolbar for the APA citation for your references page. Double check capitalization. Only the first letter of the first word of the title, first word of subtitle, and all proper nouns is capitalized. 

EBSCO APA Citation locator (look for the "golden ticket" icon):

Screenshot of EBSCO article result with orange pointing to citation tool and black circle highlighting APA citation

Gale APA Citation locator (look for the quotation marks icon):

Image of location of citation finder in Gale databases