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Business: Documentaries

Provides links to resources and research guides in business


Searching Films on Demand

You can browse the Subjects. To do this you go up to the top left of the screen and click on the three lines next to the Films on Demand Logo

Click on link next to FOD logo and choose Subject

Click on View All under Subjects.



Scroll down until you see Sociology

 View of list of subjects

If you click on Business and Economics you will pull up the first titles that are tagged with the phrase Business and Economics. Click on the drop down arrow for more business topics

Image showing list of topics under Business and Economics




















If you are looking for something specific use the search field. Use specific terms like names of individuals or groups along with general subject terms. For example you could search on specific terms such as the following:

  • Amazon
  • Elon Musk
  • Ford Motor Company
  • Henry Ford

If you are researching specific topics use keywords. For example if you are researching bias in the workplace you could use keywords such as: bias, diversity, workplace, employee, business, institution. Try "bias and workplace" or "bias and business" or "bias and employee." Then try "diversity and business" and other keyword combinations.

Sometimes the entries you see are links to entire documentaries. Sometimes they are links to segments or parts of documentaries. 

In this example we have typed in "workplace and culture." The titles that come up include the following:

View of documentary segment as entry in search results






This is a part of a documentary. To pull up the entire documentary click on the title (look for the words FROM TITLE)

Click on the title next to the words Full Title



You have clicked on the title Enhancing Morale. You will see the segments or parts of the documentary listed. You can start with the first segment.

View of segment titles




Featured Documentaries

Film Lists

The following titles are documentaries that have been singled out for praise, and that are available in Films on Demand

Amazon Empire: The Rise and Reign of Jeff Bezos

2020. PBS

Examine Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos' ascent to power and the global impact of the empire he built. The film also investigates the darker side of the company's rapid growth, and the challenge of trying to rein in the power of the richest man in the world. Distributed by PBS Distribution.

Becoming Warren Buffett

2017. HBO

With a net worth of over $60,000,000,000, Warren Buffett is truly a one-of-a-kind billionaire. Now 86 years old, the legendary investor still lives in a modest home in Omaha, and continues to drive himself to the office every morning to manage Berkshire Hathaway, the fifth largest public company in the world. But more surprising than his humble lifestyle and self-effacing personality is Buffett’s exemplary moral core. The same principles of decency and integrity that helped him pile up a fortune led him to give much of it away in the largest philanthropic donation in history. Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Peter Kunhardt and produced by Kunhardt Films, Becoming Warren Buffett chronicles the evolution of an ambitious, numbers-obsessed boy from Nebraska into one of the richest, most respected men in the world, and the heroes who helped guide him along the way. Allowing the filmmakers to record intimate details of his day-to-day personal life (including trips to a local high school and stops at drive-through restaurants before work), as well as access to never-before-released home movies and family photographs, Buffett is seen in this candid portrait as a man possessed of a truly unique, generous and fertile mind – someone who can help us all understand what is truly important when money no longer has meaning. An HBO Production.

Catfish Kingdom

2020. Bowery Media

As the first black owner of a catfish plant in the U.S., Ed Scott Jr. built an empire, lost it to discrimination and land robbery, then fought to take back what was his. This is the story of how a farmer became a legend of the Mississippi Delta.

The Startup Kids

2012. Cinetic Rights Management

The Startup Kids is a documentary about young web entrepreneurs. It contains interviews with the founders of Vimeo, Soundcloud, Kiip, InDinero and many others who talk about their lives as entrepreneurs and how they started their companies.