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Human and Social Services: EBSCOhost

Resources for Human Services coursework. Includes information about academic research, sociology & psychology databases, and APA citation style.


Search Directly in EBSCO's largest database, Academic Search Complete. 

Search Academic Search Complete

ECTC Library: How to search for articles in EBSCOhost


EBSCO Databases Tutorial

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Basic Searching in EBSCOhost databases

Citing Articles from EBSCOhost

Using the Results List

How to conduct a basic search in EBSCO

1. Select EBSCO from the library webpage by clicking on the A - Z Databases List or by clicking "EBSCO" under Quick Links.

If working from off-campus, you may need to enter your KCTCS email and password. 

2. Select your database(s) by Subject (it is helpful to always include “General/News Databases”) or choose databases individually with “Databases A-Z”

  • Remember a topic might be multi-disciplinary in scope and you should choose multiple databases.
  • Academic Search Complete is an all-inclusive database and it is a best practice to always include it in your search.

3. Click on the box next to database subject group to select databases or click directly on the link if you choose only one subject groupings. After you have made your selections, click the continue button.

Image of EBSCOhost database groups


4. Before you enter your search terms, select the full-text limiter and select Scholarly (Peer-reviewed) Journals limiter if you want your results to only be from scholarly journals. Choose a date range, if applicable. 

Image of EBSCO limiters


5. Now you are ready to enter your search terms. I want to research the economic impact of climate change, so I will search climate change AND economy

Image of search results in EBSCO


6. I have over 3,000 results and my first two discuss climate change in other countries, so I will want to redo my search and add the keyword United States. 

Image for EBSCO search with climate change and economy and united states


7. Click on the article title to access the full-text .pdf file. Use the toolbar on the right to save or print your article. 

Ebsco result citation page