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Database & Book Catalog Instruction: Credo Reference

Information about how to use the library databases and book catalog.

Using the ECTC Library: Credo Reference


Think of Credo as "academic Wikipedia." Credo is an easy-to-use tool for starting research. Gather background information and facts on your topic from hundreds of credible sources such as: full-text encyclopedias, dictionaries, quotations, and more.

CREDO Tutorial

Basic Searching in Credo Reference

How to use the Mind Map in Credo Reference

How to Search in Credo Reference

Select Credo Reference from the library webpage by clicking on "C" from the A - Z Databases List or by selecting "Credo Reference" under Quick Links heading. 

  • If working from off-campus, you may be prompted to enter your KCTCS email and password to access the database.

Credo Reference is a collection of encyclopedias and dictionaries. Like searching in Wikipedia, use single a keyword or simple phrases. After you enter your topic in the search box, click the magnifying glass to see your results.

  • The database may auto generate suggested synonyms or related terms. You can select one or keep with your original keyword.