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ECTC Archives: Library/Tutoring/Distance Learning

Description of ECTC archives holdings; a brief history; finding aids; images

About Academic Support Services

About Academic Support Services

The Academic Support Services was an administrative unit active from 1972 to 2002. It included the Media Center (Library,) the Learning Lab (tutoring,) and Distance Learning. Maurice Utley held the position of Director from 1972 to 1997. Jimmie Bruce held the position of Director from January 2000 to August 2002. With his departure, the department ceased to exist as such, with the library, tutoring lab and Distance Learning units functioning as separate entities.

About the Library

The Elizabethtown Community College Library opened when the college opened, in the fall of 1964. It was located in the Administration Building, encompassing the areas now filled by the Morrison Gallery, IECE classrooms and Japanese School offices and rooms. The first librarian, Betty Jane McFarland, was among the first employees hired. It fell to her to set up the library, acquire and catalog materials, and make sure the library was ready for students in September.

Like many libraries of the time, the ECC Library purchased, maintained and circulated audio-visual equipment and resources to instructors. It provided space and audio-visual equipment for student use. It also became the distance learning center, receiving KET telecourse recordings, providing equipment for viewing, eventually taking over the taping of telecourses. In 1968 the college decided to rename the library, designating it a Media Center, in order to better highlight the resources and services provided by the Center. Don Wallace, English and Art History instructor, was named director of the Media Center. He stayed in this role until 1972, when the Learning Lab and Media Center merged to form the Academic Support Services unit. Maurice Utley, English instructor and Learning Lab director, became Director of Academic Support Services, a position she held until her retirement in 1997. Ann Thompson succeeded her as Library Director until her retirement in 2016. Katie Meyer has served as library director from 2017 to the present.

Administration began planning for a new library building in the early 70s. Funding issues delayed the project until the early 1980s. The Learning Resources Center building was completed in the spring of 1984. The Media Center moved from the Administration Building to the Learning Resources Center over the summer of 1984, opening its doors in the fall of 1984. 

The LRC was named the James M. Collier Learning Resources Center in 1996. The library portion of the LRC became known as the Collier Library in 2019.

About the Learning Lab

The Learning Lab was originally called the Learning Resource Center. It was housed adjacent to the Media Center in the Administration Building. The lab opened its doors in 1970, funded by a Kentucky Department of Education grant. Initially it was only open to students from the vocational school and ECC students who were enrolled in career-oriented programs.  The first director was Maurice Utley, who was hired as English and theater instructor in 1964. 

In 1972 Don Wallace stepped away from the Media Center and Maurice Utley became the director of Academic Support Services unit which encompassed both the Media Center and the LRC. In 1973 the president of UK, Otis Singletary, visited UK expressly to view the Learning Resources Center. Shortly thereafter Ms Utley sent a message saying that all ECC students could use the LRC “due to increased University funding.”

The LRC became the Learning Lab in 1984 when it moved to the new Learning Resources Center building. Maurice continued to oversee both the Learning Lab and the Media Center, in her role as Academic Support Services director. Pamela Harper became Director of the Learning Lab when Maurice Utley retired in 1997.

About Distance Learning

ECTC’s Distance Learning history begins with the KET telecourses. KET began providing televised classes in the 60s. The Media Center provided access to these courses by receiving and circulating the recordings and making viewing equipment available. By the 1980s the Media Center was responsible for taping those classes as well as housing and circulating them.

In the early 90s UK began offering satellite classes. These courses were transmitted live via satellite to TV screens. Students could contact the instructor during class times by phone. In the mid-1990s interactive television classrooms were installed. These classrooms were set up so that an instructor could teach students in that classroom while seeing and interacting with students in ITV classrooms at other locations. During this time Distance Learning moved out of the Media Center and into a suite of rooms in the Administration Building. The coordinator still reported to the Academic Support Services director and handled much of the Media Center's audio-visual maintenance and services. 

By the early 2000s online course software such as BlackBoard opened new avenues of instruction. Distance Learning operated independently, with the coordinator reporting directly to the Provost. The ECTC Archives closed collection of materials with the move from print to digital communications and documentation.

About the Collection

Boxes 1 and 2 contain materials pertaining, as much as possible, only to the library and Media Center. Box 3 serves as a bridge box, containing materials that combine the Media Center, Learning Lab and Distance Learning in single documents. Examples include the Academic Support Services newsletters. Box 4 contains materials pertaining solely to the Learning Lab/Learning Resource Center. Box 5 contains materials that pertain to the early formats of Distance Learning.

Box 1 - Library

Box 1. Library/Media Center

Folder 1. About the Library

  • Media Center. Mimeograph. 1976. 15 pages. Includes general description; floor plan; personnel; job duties; usages stats; resources. Appears to be a report; may have been done for the self-study
  • News release. Mimeograph. Date: March 31, 1966. From: Mrs. Norma Konigsberg. Contains some of the same information as the three page document listed below
  • Typed document titled “The Elizabethtown Community College Library.” 3 pages  States that library will be filled to capacity in the near future. Names Betty Jane McFarland as director. Describes how Lawrence Thompson gave the library the Union Catalog. [1966]
  • Also includes some printouts containing library information. These were created between 2000 and 2010.

Folder 2. History

  • Printout from the News Enterprise – “Remembering Jim Collier.” Published September 9, 2012.
  • News release. Mimeograph. Date: March 31, 1966. From: Mrs. Norma Konigsberg. Contains some of the same information as the three page document listed below. Duplicate of item in Folder 1
  • Program. Dedication Exercise for Learning Resource Center. September 30, 1985. ECC. Program mentions: Dr. James S. Owen; Camille Hill; T.K. Stone; Allene Craddock; Charles Wethington; Otis Singletary. Names of NCKEF BOD members and Advisory Board members listed on back. No mention of Maurice Utley or any of the coordinators or employees housed in the LRC. Program of poor quality; lightweight paper
  • “Dedication of the Learning Resource Center at ECC Set for September 30. ECC News. For immediate release. From George L. Luster, Assistant Director for Academic Affairs. September 19, 1985
  • Memorandum. To: Faculty and Staff. From James S. Owen, Director. Subject: Ground Breaking Ceremonies. Date: March 31, 1983. Ground breaking ceremonies for a new library building at Elizabethtown Community College will be held at the college on Thursday afternoon, April 7, 1983. Dr. Owen hopes that everyone can attend. Students should be invited. Ceremonies will begin at 3:30pm. A reception will follow. [NOTE: photos from the event may be found in the photo album Employees 1980s.]
  • Library/Learning Resource Center. ECC. General proposal for new building. Describes current space situation. No date. 2 pages, typed.
  • “Suggestions for Learning Resources Center.” Handwritten notes on yellow legal paper; photocopy of same. Photocopy is dated April 16, 1971. They may have notes that Maurice Utley took when listening to Tom Griffin, Advancement Studies Program, Central Piedmont Community College. 
  • Floor plans. Old Learning Resources Center (tutoring lab.) Proposed Media Center floor plan. Proposed Learning Lab floor plan. Floor plan for old Media Center

Folder 3. Furnishings and equipment. 

  • 6 page document with room numbers, detailed description of furniture; justifications; vendors; prices
  • 5 page document with flowcharts and ground plans; information for generator and pump
  • ECC. Learning Laboratory Addition. Phase II. Document with room numbers, detailed description of furniture; justifications; vendors; prices
  • 5 page document with detailed description of computer equipment; justifications; vendors; prices
  • 15 page document with detailed description of equipment; justifications; vendors; prices. First four pages deals with the darkroom. Other pages deal with AV equipment.
  • Memo. To. Dr. Owen. From Maurice Utley. Subject: furnishings and equipment for learning laboratory – phase II. Date: March 21, 1984. List rooms, descriptions of items such as blinds, carrels, power outlets, etc – along with prices
  • 9 page document dated 10/10/86. List of items, justifications, quantities, prices
  • One page document. Learning Resource Center. Equipment requests. Date: 2/28/86. Lists microfilm reader/printers, microfilm drawers, etc. Prices included. 

Folder 4. Automation

  •  Documents pertaining to moving to online systems, to LS2000 and then to NOTIS. Includes invitation to faculty stating that LS2000 is up and running as of August 27,1990. Reports on numbers of records; progress reports; procedures; meeting minutes for Library Automation committee held March 17, 1987; information about accessing OCLC

Folder 5. Information on checkpoint system (library security system.)

Folder 6. Library floor plans, pre- and post-LRC. Floor plans are also located in folder 2

Folder 7. Library memos. 1968-1969. Don Wallace is Coordinator of Instructional Media. The 1969 memos begin to use the term Media Center though not consistently

Folder 8. Media Center. University of Kentucky. Elizabethtown Community College. Newsletter. First issue is August 25, 1969. 29 newsletters. Last issue is April 27, 1970. Topics range from general reports and trivia pertaining to education and instructional technology; resource highlights; KET highlights

Folder 9. Memos to faculty and staff. 1970 to 1979; most are from 71 to 73. Don Wallace begins to refer to himself as Supervisor, Academic Support Services. Maurice Utley takes over in July 1973. A memo from B.J. McFarland, dated September 11, 1973, indicates that the Media Center is starting an archives

Folder 10. Memos to faculty and staff, 1980s

Folder 11. Memos to faculty and staff; memos to Academic Support Services personnel; invitations to events at the Director’s residence; a memo that states that the Media Center will close the week before the break to give staff time to do processing work; a memo that states that Ann Thompson is the Library Director, effective August 18, 1997. The memo does not describe her as Acting Director. 1990s

Folder 12. Scattered emails sent between 2000 and 2013. Most of these are internal; some are external announcements to faculty

Folder 13. Announcement that the library is starting an archives. September 11, 1973; archives policy 2018

Folder 14. Library handouts.

  • Library Research from home – names of databases, database descriptions, URLs and passwords. N.d. created between 2002 and 2005
  • Media center information. Late 1990s (based on web site URL)
  • PPT presentation made to adjunct faculty. 2006
  • Library tour exercises. Summer 2006
  • Media Center information. 2002-2004
  • How to use NetLibrary. 2003
  • ECTC Library. 2007
  • Booklet. NOTIS. The online catalog reference guide to the Elizabethtown Community College Library. [should read Reference Guide to NOTIS the online catalog Elizabethtown Community College Library.] 1997
  • Handout. NOTIS. 1999 but adapted from handout created at SECC in the fall of 1994
  • Booklet. Pink paper. Academic Support Services. Media Center. Learning Lab. AV/TV. August 1988
  • Things to Know about the ECTC Library. Handout for GED classes. 2012
  • Orientation for GED class
  • Handouts and exercises for dental hygiene classes. 2009
  • Spiel for GE 100 class
  • Kentucky Virtual Library. 2000
  • PPT presentation for part time faculty. 8/12/2000

Folder 15. Lists of periodicals. 1969 – 1980 (scattered)

Folder 16. Budget. 1970 to 2001 (very scattered)

Box 2 - Library

Box 2. Library/Media Center


  • Folder 1. AV equipment. 1972 to 1990 (very scattered.) Some pieces not dated. Equipment lists; guidelines for usage
  • Folder 2. Av memos. 1970 to 1992 – (scattered after 1981). Memos to President or college community from Academic Support Services Director. Topics include AV technician position; equipment policies, procedures and instructions; information regarding telecourses
  • Folder 3. AV holdings. 10 pieces. Most lists dated 1993. Lists organized by topics. Resources only; no equipment listed. 
  • Folder 4. IPEDS report. Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System. Academic Libraries Survey. [Required from academic institutions by the National Center for Education Statistics. ]1975 to 1992 (scattered.) Survey covers staff, expenditures, collections, services, electronic services
  • Folder 5. Student Surveys. 2005-2006. One piece. Results for surveys may also be found with the self-studies/SACS sections. Uncompiled, completed survey forms for 1998 and 2001 are kept at this time but are not included in the collection and are not available to the public.
  • Folder 6. Library/Media Center statistical reports - 1. 1964 to 1979. Salary expenditures; circulation stats; numbers of volumes; numbers for periodical and microfilm subscriptions; numbers for AV resources by type; numbers for AV equipment by type; AV usage statistics
  • Folder 7. Media Center statistical reports. 1980 to 1990; 1996. Holdings numbers for resource categories (i.e. number of books, number of books added, number of books withdrawn; numbers for AV resources by type; subscription numbers; ILL stats; number of AV units circulated; book usage numbers.) Some reports do have overall book circulation stats and community book circulation stats.
  • Folder 8. Media Center Statistical Reports. 1990 – 2000. 
  • Folder 9. Environment. 1. Data on temperature study, 1987. (Data reflected in Celsius.) 2. Memo from Denis Morrow concerning temperature study. 3. Bound report –Executive Summary – ECC – LRC Building – HVAC Evaluation and Repair. April 2, 1998. 4. Report. Indoor Air Quality Assessment. LRC. ECC. April 2005. 5. Memo. From ECTC Library Staff. To: Dr. White, Dr. Thomas-Glover. Date: March 24, 2005. Attached is a one-sheet document, likely intended for faculty, explaining library policy and procedures for the duration of the library’s temporary location in ADM Room 112
  • Folder 10. Library Events. Very few printouts and emails from the 2000s.

Academic Support Services

Box 3. Academic Support Services. Media Center/Learning Lab/Distance Learning


  • Folder 1. Academic Support Services newsletter. 1985/1986; 1 issue January 2000
  • Folder 2. Goals and Objectives. 1977; 1979; 1982; 1984; 1985; 1990; 1994; 1998; 2000; 2001; 2006; 1994-1999 long term goals
  • Bound copy of 1999-2000 College Improvement Plan. Academic Support Services
  • Folder 3. Academic Support Services. Five year Report. 1991-1996
  • Folder 4. Academic Support Services. Committee meetings. 1988-91; 1999; 2000; 2004
  • Folder 5. UK Library Campaign
  • Folder 6. Public handouts with policies and procedures. Booklets: 1970 to 2002 [scattered;] full page handouts: 1966, 1969, 1984; several undated
  • Bound Procedures Manual, ECC Media Center, January 2001. 2 copies
  • Bound Procedures Manual, ECC Media Center, 1996
  • Folder 7. Academic Support Services surveys. 1992 to 2001, scattered. Surveys cover Media Center and Learning Lab
  • Folder 8
  • Desk schedules; job duties; individual schedules. 1996; 2000
  • Folder 9. Internal meeting. 2000
  • Folder 10. DOEs. Does not contain sensitive information
  • Folder 11. Internal activities
  • Folder 12. Farewell speech to Jimmie Bruce, written and presented by Laurie MacKellar, summer 2002
  • Folder 13. Overview of ASS; organizational chart; communications; news about personnel; job duties, memo about library director title. 1988. Information about grant, 1975. 

Learning Lab (Tutoring)

Box 4. Learning Lab

Folder 1. Overviews, reports, communications, philosophy, personnel with job duties, policies and procedures, report for July 1971 to June 1972; report for July 1972 to June 1972; organizational charts, floor plans. Includes the 1967 memo from Don Wallace and the undated memo from Maurice Utley as they represent the foundational beginnings of the LRC
Folder 2. Flyers, memos. 1976 to 2011. Includes handout titled Educational Excellence Center. This is the Learning Lab’s new name. The handout Is not dated but the EEC was created in 2020
Folder 3. Materials lists. Most items not dated; dates include 1972 and 1974
Folder 4. Statistics. 1981 to 2005 (scattered)
Folder 5. Surveys. 1970 – 1990 (scattered)

Distance Learning

Box 5. Distance Learning

Folder 1. Memos, emails, flyers from 1992 to 1995
Folder 2. Memos, emails, flyers from 1996. Includes schedules of DL classes offered by UK and materials from LIS 690, a course on distance learning technology offered by UK’s Library and Information Sciences department
Folder 3. Emails, faxes, schedules, training materials from 1997
Folder 4. Communications from 1998.
Folder 5. Materials from 2000. Includes document entitled “Home College Model for the Delivery of Online Distance Learning in the KCTCS.”
Folder 6. Materials from 2004 to 2008. Includes flyer for 6th annual summer institute, held at ECTC in May 2004; agenda for 9th annual Distance Learning Summer Institute (held at ECTC); report on faculty survey of Distance Learning, Fall 2004; some meeting minutes of the Distance Learning Committee; 
Folder 7. Materials from 2013 to 2015

Bound publications


  • UK DL Programs Spring, Summer, Fall 1996
  • UK DL Programs Spring 1997
  • UK DL Programs Spring, Fall 1998
  • UK DL Programs Fall 1999
  • UK DL Programs Spring 2000