The Alice Bondurant Scott Collection contains issues of the literary journal Approaches, founded in Elizabethtown by local resident Joy Bale. Approaches was published between 1964 and 1976. The issues of this journal were printed and prepared in Elizabethtown; they were mailed to subscribers from Elizabethtown. The mailing address for submissions and subscription orders was an Elizabethtown address. Approaches represents an important part of Elizabethtown history, and an equally important part of Kentucky literary history.
The collection also contains issues of the literary magazine Kentucky Poetry Review, published between 1976 and 1990 as a continuation of Approaches. KPR was published in Louisville, where founder Joy Bale, now Joy Bale Boone, had relocated. Elizabethtown resident Alice Bondurant Scott, who had served as a co-editor for Approaches, continued to serve in that capacity for KPR.
Biography of Alice Bondurant Scott
Why is this collection in the ECTC Archives?
“Approaches is a periodical of poems by Kentuckians.” From inside front cover. Subscription address: 110 South Maple Street, Elizabethtown KY 42701. The Editors’ Notes and Nods at the back of each issue are generally informal and sometimes humorous. Short bios of contributors can be found here.
Issue 1. November 1964. Editors: Joy Bale, R.A. Baker, William Battrick and Lill Parrish. Contributors (in order of appearance: ) William Sanders, Lillie D. Chaffin, William Battrick, Joy Bale, Sylvia Auxier, Jesse Stuart, Robert Baker, Alice Scott, Jessie Frymire, Leonore Wells Thomas, Katherine McClure Amyx
Issue 2. February 1965. Editors: Joy Bale, R.A. Baker and Lill Parrish. Dedicated to Jessie Frymire. Contributors: Jessie Frymire, Ann Jonas, Dot Gibbs, Bruce Bennett Brown, Sylvia Auxier, Alice Scott, Eunice Adams, Joy Bale, R.A. Baker, Lillie D. Chaffin, Myrtle Renfrow, Elizabeth W. Brown, Katherine McClure Amyx, Jessie Wilmore Morton
Issue 3. May 1965. Editors: Joy Bale, R.A. Baker and Lill Parrish. Contributors (in order of appearance: ) Rufus M. Reed, Helen Stanley McCloy, Ione Allison Reynolds, Sister Anne Jeremy, O.P, Robert A. Baker, Eliza Louisa Dawson, Charles W. Semones, Elizabeth Woolfolk Brown, Dot Gibbs, Myrtle Kelly Renfrow, Mayme Hiser Kerrick, Stella Craft Tremble, Ann Woolfolk English, Henry Tim Chambers. Editors’ Nods and Notes features a humorous description of the publication process which included the Bale children stapling pages and stamping envelopes.
Issue 4. August 1965. Editors: Joy Bale, R.A. Baker and Lill Parrish. Inside cover includes signatures from all contributors. Contributors: Henry Tim Chambers, Virginia C. Turner, Davis Harmon, Joy Bale, William Battrick, Adrian L Bird, Ethel Gray Seese, Charles W. Semones, Eliza Louisa Dawson, Bruce Bennett Brown, Leonore Wells Thomas, Annette Patton Cornell.
Issue 5. November 1965. Editors: Editors: Joy Bale, R.A. Baker and Lill Parrish. Contributors: Alice Scott, Edwin Carter, Lillie D. Chaffin, Mary Belknap Gray, William Sanders, Marjorie Smith, Eunice Adams, Jesse Stuart, Annette Patton Cornett, Lucia Clark Markham, Priscilla White, Charles W. Semones, Cecil Austin McGaw, James Worley. Editors’ Notes and Nods at back of journal – informal news and updates; informal notes about contributors. Editors thank Alice Scott for arranging luncheon gathering at Doe Run Inn.
Issue 6. February 1966. Editors: Joy Bale, R.A. Baker and Lill Parrish. Contributors: William Howard Cohen, Ethel Gray Seese, Robert A. Baker, Cecil Austin McGaw, Eliza Louisa Dawson, Leonore Wells Thomas, Mayme Hiser Kerrick, Bruce Bennett Brown, Patricia Miller, Kathryn Evans McKay, Adrian L. Bird, Elizabeth Woolfolk Brown, Ruby M. Murphy, Edwin Carter, Charles W. Semones, Joy Bale.
Issue 7. May 1966. Editors: Joy Bale, R.A. Baker and Lill Parrish. Contributors: Annette Patton Cornell, Pauline Gayle Prather, Ethel Gray Seese, Sister M. Albertina, C.D.P., Cecil Austin McGaw, Gertrude Linton Nau, William Carigan, William Battrick, Thelma Scott Kiser, Wendell Berry, Patricia Miller, Alice Scott, Davis Harmon, Jesse Stuart, Louise Hughes Davis, Dave Royse, Lillie D. Chaffin, Elizabeth Woolfolk Brown
Issue 8. August 1966. Editors: Joy Bale, R.A. Baker and Lill Parrish. Contributors: Bruce Bennett Brown, Marianthi Coroneou, Robert S. Chenault, Leonore Wells Thomas, Jane Stuart, Mary Belknap Gray, Marjorie Benjamin Wheeler, Henry Tim Chambers, Wendell Berry, Charley Nell Llewellyn, Helen Stanley McCloy, Charles W. Semones, Stanley Schulman, Roberta Scott Bunnell, J.P. Baker
Issue 9. November 1966. Editors: Joy Bale, R.A. Baker and Lill Parrish. Contributors: Thelma Scott Kiser, Leonore Wells Thomas, William Howard Cohen, William Battrick, Kathryn Evans McKay, Wendell Berry, Ione Allison Reynolds, Robert S. Chenault, Nina Krause, Cecil Austin McGaw, J.P. Baker, Sharon Brown McConnell, Robert A. Baker, Roberta Scott Bunnell, Joy Bale, Sylvia Auxier, Patricia Miller
Issue 10. February 1967. Editors: Joy Bale, R.A. Baker and Lill Parrish. Contributors: Dot Gibbs, Cecil Austin McGaw, Bruce Bennett Brown, Nina Krause, William Carigan, Lillie D. Chaffin, Katherine McClure Amyx, Ethel Gray Seeese, J.P. Baker, Eliza Louisa Dawson, Virginia Casey Turner, Quentin R. Howard, Kathryn Evans McKay, Lee Pennington, Thelma Scott Kiser.
Issue 11. May 1967. Editors: Joy Bale, R.A. Baker and Lill Parrish. Contributors: Joy Bale, Lee Pennington, J.P. Baker, Roberta Scott Bunnell, Terry Wetherby, Bruce Bennett Brown, Emma Voorhees Meyer, Carolyn H. Meyers, David M. Collins, Ethel Gray Seese, Blaine R. Hall, Charles W. Semones, Gayle Compton, Jane Stuart, InCraft, Annette Patton Cornett, Jesse Stuart, Nina Krause, Helen Price Stacy, William Battrick
Issue 12. August 1967. Editors: Joy Bale, R.A. Baker and Lill Parrish. Contributors: Robert S. Chenault, Annette Patton Cornell, David M. Collins, Helen Price Stacy, Lavada Gaines Harris, William Howard Cohen, Ann Jonas, Jane Stuart, Blaine R. Hall, Patricia Stamper Ramsey, Larry N. Craft, Roberta Scott Bunnell, Ethel Gray Seese, Thelma Scott Kiser, William Hill Reid, Mayme Hiser Kerrick, Nina Krause, Lillie D. Chaffin, LeRoy R. Lindsay, Quentin R. Howard
Issue 13. November 1967. Editors: Joy Bale, R.A. Baker and Lill Parrish. Contributors: J.P. Baker, David M. Collins, Sharon Brown McConnell, Jane Stuart, Elizabeth Winlock Howerton, Leonore Wells Thomas, Ethel Gray Seese, Gertrude Linton Nau, William Battrick, Quentin R. Howard, Virginia C. Turner, Marjorie Benjamin Wheeler, Blaine R. Hall, Ann Jonas, T.C. Howard, Helen Price Stacy. Last issue with R.A. Baker as co-editor.
Issue 14. February 1968. Editors: Joy Bale and Lill Parrish. Guest Editors: J. Prentice Baker, Henry Tim Chambers. Issue dedicated to Sylvia Trent Auxier (d. Dec. 4, 1967.) Contributors: Sylvia Auxier, Patricia Stamper Ramsey, Larry N. Craft, Tommy Winstead, Thelma Scott Kiser, Althea Stephens Parmenter, Rodney Beck, Sharon Brown McConnell, James Cooke, William Howard Cohen, Helen Price Stacy, Gayle Compton, T.C. Howard, Leonore Wells Thomas, Margaret Tydings, David M. Collins, Nina Krause. J.P. Baker’s poem “This is a Sour Wind” won the Blaine Hall Award.
Issue 15. May 1968. Editors: Joy Bale, Lill Parrish and Alice Scott. Contributors: Kurt Cerf, Althea Stephens Parmenter, Robert A. Thornbury, Nina Krause, Sister M. Clarita Felhoelter, Charles W. Semones, Roberta Scott Bunnell, Clifton Jones, Jim Wayne Miller, Earl Sullivan, Herman L. Pointer, J. Prentice Baker, Leonore Wells Thomas, Myrtle Kelly Renfrow, Cora E. Lucas. First issue with Alice Scott as co-editor.
Issue 16. August 1968. Editors: Joy Bale, Lill Parrish, Alice Scott, Prentice Baker and Henry Tim Chambers. Contributors: David M. Collins, Helen Price Stacy, Quentin R. Howard, Ione Allison Reynolds, Henry Tim Chambers, Alfred Halliday, Addie S. Hilliard, Essie L. Charles, John Howard Spurlock, Thelma Scott Kiser, Roberta Scott Bunnell, Katherine McClure Amyx, Mayme Hiser Kerrick, Mildred Williams Boggs, Prentice Chambers, Joy Bale.
Volume 5, Issue 1. November 1968. Editors: Joy Bale, Alice Scott, Prentice Baker and Henry Tim Chambers. Contributors: Dot Gibbs, Jean Trigg, Jim Wayne Miller, Mary G. Faulconer, Patricia Stamper Ramsey, William Howard Cohen, Ethel Gray Seese, Nina Krause, William Carigan, Bruce Bennett Brown, Miriam Woolfolk, Blaine R. Hall, Mary Bee Rogers, Lillie D. Chaffin, LeRoy R. Lindsay, Roberta Bunnell. Editors’ Nods and Notes include information about contests, contributor bios and news of a grant from the Kentucky Arts Commission which has allowed the publication to be produced commercially. Item contains a blank ballot form for the Blaine Hall Award. Volume and issue number from front cover.
Volume 5, Issue 2. February 1969. Editors: Joy Bale, Alice Scott, Prentice Baker and Henry Tim Chambers. Contributors: Herman L. Pointer, Helen Price Stacy, Thomas Baker, Bruce Bennett Brown, Dorcas Ruthenburg, David M. Collins, Clifton Jones, Charles C. Chappell, John Howard Spurlock, Leonore Wells Thomas, Otis Amanda Dick, James A. Cooke, D.S. Fisher, Lee Pennington, Ione Allison Reynolds, Henry Tim Chambers. Editors’ Notes and Nods list winners for awards. Katherine McClure Amyx won the Blaine R. Hall Award. Recipients of the four Alta Hunt Chambers Awards were: Dot Gibbs, Nina Krause, Alfred Halliday and Jim Wayne Miller. Essay “An Appeal for a New Lyricism” by Prentice Baker.
Volume 5, Issue 3. May 1969. Editors: Editors: Joy Bale, Alice Scott, Prentice Baker. Wade Hall, Guest Editor. Contributors: Mayme Hiser Kerrick, Ruthenburg, Mary Bee Rogers, Charles E. Fothergill, Helen Price Stacy, Nina Krause, James Still, Wade Hall, Jane Stuart, Patricia Ramsey, Joy Bale, Lillie D. Chaffin, Prentice Baker, Roberta Scott Bunnell, Woodridge Spears, Thelma Scott Kiser, Edward J. Henry, Dot Gibbs. One page loose – contains Katherine McClure Amyx’s poem On Mending My Husband’s Coat which won the Blaine Hall Award. Handwritten note on page – 1968 – most votes from readers as favorite from 80 poems in 4 issues.
Volume 5, Issue 4. August 1969. Editors: Joy Bale, Alice Scott, Prentice Baker, Wade Hall. Contributors: Bruce Rogers, Mildred Williams Boggs, John Howard Spurlock, Glen H. Stassett, Nina Krause, Roberta Scott Bunnell, Mary Bee Rogers, Prentice Baker, Wade Hall, Charles Semones, Cora E. Lucas, Patricia Ramsey, Dorcas Ruthenburg. Editors’ Notes and Nods contains some poems written by students at Meadowthorpe Elementary in Lexington.
Volume 6, Issue 1. November, 1969. Editors: Joy Bale, Alice Scott, Prentice Baker, Wade Hall. Contributors: Lillie D. Chaffin, Clifton Jones, V. Givens, Mayme Hiser Kerrick, Bruce Rogers, David M. Collins, Elisa Louisa Dawson, Althea Stephens Parmenter, Ethel Gray Seese, Beverly Beliles, Priscilla White, Michael Hall, Roberta Scott Bunnell, Mary G. Faulconer, Nina Krause, Cora E. Lucas, Patricia Ramsey. Editors Notes and Nods: information about upcoming Hall Award; annual luncheon; Approaches partnering with the National Endowment for the Arts and the Kentucky Arts Commission to offer a poetry workshop.
Volume 6, issue 2. Editors: Joy Bale, Alice Scott, Prentice Baker, Wade Hall. Contributors: Jim Wayne Miller, Pat Stakis, Peter D. Zivkovic, Jasper Walter Griffin, Charles Semones, Mary Bee Rogers, Carol Gesner, Bryan Lindsay, Joy Bale, Blaine R. Hall, Prentice Baker, Wade Hall, Rodney Beck. Editors Notes and Nods: Patricia Stamper Ramsey of Louisville has won the Hall Award; humorous account of change in subscription notices; requests for extra copies of issues for libraries; notes on contributors
Volume 6, Issue 3. May 1970. Editors: Joy Bale, Alice Scott, Prentice Baker, Wade Hall. Contributors: David M. Collins, Ethel Gray Seese, Carolyn Lott, Lee Pennington, Dorcas Ruthenburg, Ron Seitz, Bryan Lindsay, Carol Gessner, George Ella Hoskins*, John D. Cornwell, Jane Stuart, Charles Semones, Roberta Scott Bunnell, Althea Stephens Parmenter, Henry Tim Chambers, Quentin R. Howard, Patricia Ramsey. Editors Notes ad Nods: another workshop to be held in partnership with the NEA and the KAC; magazine policies for contributors and subscribers; notes on contributors. *Now George Ella Lyon
Volume 6, Issue 4. August 1970. Editors: Joy Bale, Alice Scott, Prentice Baker, Wade Hall. Contributors: Robert S. Chenault, Dot Gibbs, Peter D. Zivkovic, Bruce Rogers, Leon V. Driskell, Carol Gesner, Mike Robinson, David M. Collins, Dorcas Ruthenburg, Clifton Jones, Gray Zeitz, Ron Seitz, Carolyn Lott, John Kalbfleisch, David Madden, Prentice Baker, John D. Cornwell.
Volume 7, Issue 1. November 1970. Editors: Joy Bale, Alice Scott, Prentice Baker, Wade Hall. Contributors: Bill Holstein, Carolyn Wilford Fuqua, Ron Seitz, Carol Gesner, Roberta Scott Bunnell, Michael Hall, Martha Battle, Jane Stuart, Cora E. Lucas, Belle Cleo Stivers, Gray Zeitz, Ethel Gray Seese, Joseph F. Connelly, David Madden, Althea Stephens Parmenter. Editors Notes and Nods: Children and the Arts Month sponsored by the NEA and the White House Conference on Children and Youth – Approaches encourages submissions by children for the February 1971 issue.
Volume 7, Issue 2. February 1971. Editors: Joy Bale, Alice Scott, Prentice Baker, Wade Hall. Contributors: Michael Hall, Elizabeth Oakes, James Still, Martha Battle, Gray Zeitz, Bill Holstein, Clifton Jones, Sharon Brown McConnell, Carol Gesner, Lee Pennington, George Ella Hoskins, Jim Wayne Miller, Thomas E. Crisp, Nina Krause. Young contributors (Two Pages of Poems by Children Selected during Children and the Arts Month) Tracey Lanter, Venessa Joy Vann, Patrick Joseph Gormley, Marie Dunlap, Dawn Cornett. Editors Notes and Nods: Charles Semones of Harrodsburg has won the 1970 Blaine Hall Award for his poem “Indian Summer;” notes on the children’s poems included in this issue; short contributor bios.
Volume 7, Issue 3. May 1971. Editors: Joy Bale, Alice Scott, Prentice Baker, Wade Hall. Contributors: Ann Jonas, Walter Griffin, V. Givens, Daniel Edward Mode, Patricia Ramsey, Jim Wayne Miller, Martha Battle, Mildred Williams Boggs, Bruce Rogers, Carolyn Lott, Prentice Baker, Dorcas Ruthenburg, Susan Lefler, Roberta Scott Bunnell, R. B. Weber, Charles Semones, Carol Gesner, Nina Krause. Editors Notes and Nods: contains phrases from other languages throughout the notes; features handwritten notes by Alice Scott on the translations or translators; features Wade Hall’s translation into German of Roberta Scott Bunnell’s poem “Four Letter Word;” announces the Prentice Baker Patchwork Quilt Contest – a quilt will be awarded to the person who…writes the best provincial poem…with the most universal application; announcement of a prize of a half pint of sorghum to the person writing the stickiest regional poem in Greek or any other classical language…it will be known as the Joy Bale Treacle Award.
Volume 7, issue 4. Summer 1971. Editors: Joy Bale, Alice Scott, Prentice Baker, Wade Hall. Contributors: Althea S. Parmenter, Quentin R. Howard, Nina Krause, Jane Stuart, Charles Semones, Mildred Williams Boggs, Joseph F. Connelly, Eliza Louisa Dawson, Jeffrey Rice, Shirley Williams, Cora E. Lucas, Ron Seitz, Richard Taylor, Joy Bale, Lillie D. Chaffin, Carol Gesner, Wade Hall, Nina Krause. Editors Notes and Nods (signed for the first time by J.B.) responds to compliments and criticisms over the previous issue; note that Nina Krause’s submission in this issue is a parody of Wade Hall’s “The Country Wife.”
Volume 8, Issue 1. Winter, 1971 [sic]. Editors: Joy Bale, Alice Scott, Jesse Franklin, Wade Hall. Contributors: Bryan Lindsay, Pam Schildknecht, John Filiatreau, Roberta Scott Bunnell, James B. Goode, Bryan Woolley, Elizabeth Oakes, C. Williams, James L Rhem, Joseph Cotton, Robert A. Thornbury, Carol Gesner, R.B. Weber, Malcolm Glass, Norbert G. Wilson, Jr., Michael Hall, Joseph F. Connelly, Lee Pennington, Ron Seitz, Lillie D. Chaffin. Patchwork Quilt Award given to Cora Lucas; her winning poem “A Little Night Music for Calliope” is printed here. Humorous announcement concerning the Joy Bale Treacle Award (given to Louise Richards and Miriam Woolfolk.) Section on the economy, the loss of the KAC grant and the implications for Approaches. Copy Right Lithographing of Jeffersontown will lower printing costs; Approaches will publish 3 issues per year rather than four. Some subscribers have become patrons.
Volume 8, Issue 2. Spring 1972. Editors: Joy Bale, Alice Scott, Jesse Franklin, Wade Hall. Contributors: Prentice Baker, Roy Crady, Althea Stephens Parmenter, Gregg Swem, James Still, Jim Wayne Miller, Bryan Woolley, Ann Jonas, Nina Krause, Carolyn Wilford Fuqua, Sandra Priddy, Logan English, Cora E. Lucas, Charles Semones, Richard Taylor, Branley Allan Branson, Patricia Ramsey, Joy Bale, John Filiatreau. Editors’ Notes and Nods: winners of the Blaine Hall Award (John Filiatreau and Althea Parmenter.)
Volume 8, Issue 3. Summer 1972. Editors: Joy Bale, Alice Scott, Jesse Franklin, Wade Hall. Contributing Editor: Nina Krause. Contributors: Ed Henry, Roberta Scott Bunnell, Ike Adams, Cora E. Lucas, Sam Bowling, Dot Gibbs, Malcolm Glass, John Filiatreau, David Deskins, Esther Whitehead, Logan English, Ethel Gray Seese, Lee W. Thomas, Charles Semones, Carolyn Lott, Georgia Hill, Carol Gesner, Richard Taylor, William Carigan. Editors’ Notes: death of Joy Bale’s husband Garnett; the Kentucky State Poetry Society hosting the National Federation of State Poetry Societies. Wade Hall read Joy Bale’s speech.
Volume 9, Issue 1. Winter 1972-73. Editors: Joy Bale, Alice Scott, Jesse Franklin, Wade Hall. Contributors: Mildred Williams Boggs, Peter D. Zivkovic, Lillie D. Chaffin, Shirley Williams, Bryan Woolley, Jane Rudd Westbrook, Malcolm Glass, Homer Cantrell, Sam Bowling, Roy Crady, Carolyn Wilford Fuqua, Prentice Baker, Conrad College, Ike Adams, Quentin R. Howard, Joseph F. Connelly, Clifton Jones, Dan Kenneth Phillips, Esther Whitehead, Joy Bale, Eliza Louisa Dawson.
Volume 9, Issue 2. Spring 1973. Editors: Joy Bale, Alice Scott, Jesse Franklin, Wade Hall. Contributors: Jim [Wayne] Miller, Betty Receveur, Elizabeth Oakes, William Battrick, Georgia Ella Lyon, Henry Tim Chambers, Dot Gibbs, Kirk Woodward, Shirley Williams, A.J. Kaul, Althea Stephens Parmenter, Charles Williams, Beverly Giammara, Anne Combs, Bryan Woolley, Alice Scott, Philip Wickenden Bale, Carolyn Wilford Fuqua, Dan Kenneth Phillips, Roberta Scott Bunnell, Cora E. Lucas, Nina Krause. Editors’ Notes: winners of the Blaine Hall Award (Roberta Scott Bunnell in first place, Esther Whitehead in second place.) Announement that Approaches has won a monetary award from the KAC and NEA, presented at the Awards banquet in March.
Volume 9, Issue 3. Summer-Autumn, 1973. Editors: Joy Bale, Alice Scott, Jesse Franklin, Wade Hall. Contributors: Jonathan Aldrich, A.J. Kaul, Charles E. Bolton, J.Y. Netherland, Terry Wetherby, Nancy Comstock, James A. Nelson, William Battrick, Lillie D. Chaffin, Carol Gesner, Esther Whitehead, Bryan Woolley, Nina Krause, William J. Schafer, Wade Hall, William Beyer, Joy Bale, Patricia Ramsey, Ruby H. Duvall. Editors’ Notes: James A. Nelson* of Frankfort Kentucky, librarian, former Peace Corps volunteer, currently Staff Assistant to the Commissioner of Public Information for Kentucky. *James A. Nelson who served as State Librarian for 26 years, who served as speech writer for Senator Wendell Ford, who received the Outstanding Alumnus Award from UK’s School of Library and Information Science, who served as President of the Kentucky Library Association and as president of several ALA committees.
Volume 10, Issue 1. Winter, 1974. Editors: Joy Bale, Alice Scott, Jesse Franklin, Wade Hall. Contributors: Esther Whitehead, Ruby B. Duvall, Jim Wayne Miller, Joseph F. Connelly, Nancy Comstock, Dot Gibbs, Logan English, Carolyn Wilford Fuqua, Jane Rudd Westbrook, Bryan Woolley, John Filistreau, Lillie D. Chaffin, Jonathan Aldrich, Leon V. Driskell, Ken Page, Bruce Bennett Brown, Carolyn Lott, Peter D. Zivkovic.
Volume 10, Issue 2. Spring 1974. Editors: Joy Bale, Alice Scott, Jesse Franklin, Wade Hall. Gregg Swem, Guest Editor. Contributors: David Lawless, Cora E. Lucas, Quentin R. Howard, Jane Rudd Westbrook, Joy Bale, Anne M. Houghton, Patricia Ramsey, Ruby H. Duvall, Nina Krause, Logan English, Blaine R. Hall, Althea Stephens Parmenter, Bryan Woolley, Peter D. Zivkovic, Gary Crum, Prentice Baker, Van Foreman, Carolyn Wilford Fuqua, Wade Hall, Dot Gibbs, Charles Williams. Editors’ Notes: discusses the importance of proofreading before submission and the reluctance of editors to make changes.
Volume 10, Issue 3. Summer-fall, 1974. 10th Anniversary Edition. Editors: Editors: Wade Hall, Alice Scott, Gregg Swem Forward: “Founded in 1964, Approaches has been nourished by Joy Bale of Elizabethtown to publish poems by Kentuckians…”. Contributors: Joy Bale. Issue consists of long poem entitled “The Storm’s Eye,” a narrative in verse celebrating Cassius Marcellus Clay, Man of Freedom, 1810-1903.
Volume 11, Issue 1. Winter 1975. Editors: Joy Bale, Alice Scott, Gregg Swem, Wade Hall. Contributors: William Heath, Nancy Comstock, Jane Stuart, Robert L. Barth, Prentice Baker, Dan Stone, William Battrick, Carolyn Lott, Beverly Giammara, Charles W. Porter, Barbara Shirk Parish, Esther Whitehead, Cora E. Lucas, John H. Drake, Dot Gibbs, Susan Hall, Jane Rudd Westbrook, Sylvia Wrobel, Jeffery Rice, Charles L. Brown, Althea Stephens Parmenter. Editors’ Notes – Joy Bale explains that she has been on sabbatical from the journal for the past 6 months and that Wade Hall has stepped in for her. She thanks Bob Thornbury for sending her verses for her pleasure; she also speaks of death and poetry, saluting two particular pieces in this issue.
Volume 11, Issue 2. Spring 1975. Editors: Joy Bale, Alice Scott, Gregg Swem, Wade Hall. Guest Editor: Allan Watson. Contributors: Edith Walker, Linda Glover, Frank Steele, Carol Gesner, Althea Stephens Parmenter, Samuel L. Bevard, Carolyn England, Steve Lamb, Donald R. Freeman, Charles Semones, Cora E. Lucas, Bryan Woolley, Carolyn Lott, Jesse Mountjoy, Roberta Scott Bunnell, Jane Gentry, Lee Pennington, Karol V. Menzie. In the contributor’s notes Joy Bale describes herself as “never quite sure what to call herself.”
Volume 11, Issue 3. Summer-fall 1975. Editors: Wade Hall, Joy Bale Boone, Alice Scott, Gregg Swem. Allan Watson, Guest Editor. Subscription address has changed from 310 South Maple to 1568 Cherokee Road, Louisville KY 40205. Contributors: Dan Stone, Edward Burch, Daniel Lawless, Prentice Baker, Charles Semones, Joseph F. Connelly, Cora Lucas, Jesse Mountjoy, Lillie D. Chaffin, Esther Whitehead, Marilyn McNally, D.W. Dauffenbach, Jane Stuart, Jane Rudd Westbrook, Gregg Swem, Jim Wayne Miller, Joan W. Bowman, Allan Watson, Jonathan Aldrich. Editors Notes: mention of the editorial address change and Joy Bale’s name change to Joy Bale Boone. The magazine is now 11 years old. There will continue to be an emphasis on Kentucky poets but poets from outside the state will be included as well. The publication will change its name to the Kentucky Poetry Review beginning with the winter 1976 issue.
Volume 12, Issue 1. Winter 1976. Editors: Wade Hall, Joy Bale, Gregg Swem, Alice Scott. Contributors: Cora E. Lucas, Esther Whitehead, Glenn Roosevelt, Althea Stephens Parmenter, Don Freeman, Alex Stiber, Ed Weathers, Joseph Kroh, Blaine R. Hall, Maureen Morehead, Jane Stuart, Carolyn S. Lott, Roy Grady, Malcolm Glass, Jim Wayne Miller, Jonathan Aldrich, William Bridges, Patricia Ramsey. Review of the Selected Poems of Hortense Flexner. No contributor bios; announcement of continuation of Blaine Hall Award; gratitude for the patronage of Dr. and Mrs. Bradley F. Bale and Mr. Blaine R. Hall.
Volume 12, Issue 2. Spring/Summer 1976. Editors: Wade Hall, Joy Bale Boone, Gregg Swem, Alice Scott. Contributors: Jim Wayne Miller, Roy Crady, Ed Weathers, Carolyn Lott, Jerry Lee Rodgers, Julia Alvarez, Maureen Morehead, Henry Faulkner, Frank Ward, William Bridges, Van Foreman, Susan Grove Hall, Cora E. Lucas, Blaine R. Hall, Sister M. Clarita Felhoelter, Don Freeman, Joy Bale Boone, Logan English, Reid Bush. Poet’s Corner: difficulties of getting editors who live in Elkton, Elizabethtown and Louisville together; tight budget; proofreading errors caused by gremlins. Benefits outweigh adversity; Mrs. Pitman Sams now a patron; Charles Semones winner of 1976 Blaine R. Hall Award; Jonathan Aldrich having volume of poetry published by the University Press of Kentucky.
Volume 12, Issue 3. Fall 1976. Editors: Wade Hall, Joy Bale Boone, Gregg Swem, Alice Scott. Contributors: Jonathan Aldrich, Barbara Blackburn, Joseph F. Connelly, Roy Crady, Logan English, Dot Gibbs, Helen Brink Glover, Carolyn Lott, Sandra D. Meier, Maureen Morehead, Laurence O’Toole Lyle G. Robey, Margaret Secrist, Charles Semones, Joe Survant, Gregg Swem, Allan Watson, Esther Whitehead, Charles Williams, Miriam Woolfolk.
Volume 13, Issue 1. Spring 1977. Editors: Wade Hall, Joy Bale Boone, Gregg Swem, Alice Scott. Contributors: Jonathan Aldrich, Margie Appleman, Phillip Appleman, William Battrick, Wendell Berry, Joy Bale Boone, William Bridges, Bea Goins Dougherty, Travis Du Priest, Carol Gesner, Gary M. Green*, Maureen Morehead, Althea Stephens Parmenter, Ed Weathers. Notes about contributors include books published and poems included in national journals. *Gary M. Green taught English at Elizabethtown Community College. He later became President of Forsyth Community Technical College in North Carolina.
Volume 13, Issue 3. Summer 1977. Editors: Wade Hall, Joy Bale Boone, Gregg Swem, Alice Scott. Contributors: Phillip Appleman, William Battrick, Fran Cornett, Barbara E. Crandall, Travis Du Priest, Wade Hall, Paula K. Kamenish, Cora E. Lucas, Margaret Brown Maloney, Sandra D. Meier, Esther Modell, Don Receveur, Jr., Margaret Secrist, Charles Semones, Alex Stiber, Ed Weathers. Editors Corner: rise in postage rates; thanks to patrons: Mrs. Marvin Lucas, Mrs. Jack Scott, Mrs. George H. Hartman, Mrs. Pitnam Sams, Mrs. Althea Stephens Parmenter, Dr. and Mrs. Bradley Bale, Mrs. Walter Gibbs, Mr. Blaine Hall. The magazine also has a 200 dollar grant from the Kentucky Arts Commission. Charles Semones is the winner of the Blaine Hall Award. Contributor Dot Gibbs has had a book of poems published by the Kentucky Poetry Press. Jesse Stuart turned 70 on August 8, 1977. KPR will devote the fall issue to Mr. Stuart.
Volume 13, Issue 3. Fall 1977. Jesse Stuart issue. Editors: Wade Hall, Joy Bale Boone, Gregg Swem, Alice Scott. Contributors: Joy Bale Boone, J.W. Bowman, Reid Bush, Lillie D. Chaffin, Leon Driskell, Logan English, Gary M. Green, Wade Hall, Ann Jonas, Daniel Lawless, Cora E. Lucas, Jim Wayne Miller, Althea Stephens Parmenter, Betty Receveur, Eve Spears, Jesse Stuart, Ed Weathers, Jane Rudd Westbrook, Esther Whitehead. Essay by Wade Hall on meeting Jesse Stuart and driving him 75 miles. Editors Corner: instructions for subscribers, new patrons, notes on contributors. Joy Bale Boone recently appointed to the Kentucky Humanities Council.
Volume 14, Issue 1. Winter/spring 1978. James Still issue. Editors: Wade Hall, Joy Bale Boone, Gregg Swem, Alice Scott. Contributors: William Bridges, Harry Brown, Joseph F. Connelly, Harvey O. Davis, Leon Driskell, John Fillatreau, Carolyn S. Lott, Sandra D. Meier, Jim Wayne Miller, Laurence O’Toole, Amy Jo Schoonover, Harold Simon, Randy Smallwood, Henry S. Spalding, Woodridge Spears, James Still, Jesse Stuart, Catherine Sutton, Nancy Van Valkenburg. Editors Notes: announcement of upcoming Blaine Award; new patrons; recommendation of literary journal Adena, edited by University of Louisville English faculty. Notes on contributors; most contributors now are English professors or professors of language; more contributors have published books of poetry and/or have had their work appear in journals with national recognition.
Volume 14, Issue 2. Summer 1978. Ruth Stone issue. Editors: Wade Hall, Joy Bale Boone, Gregg Swem, Alice Scott. Contributors: Peggy Bach, Joy Bale Boone, Joan Brittain, Helen Glover, Sandra D. Meier, Denise Newbolt, Frances Perdue, Amy Jo Schoonover, Margaret Secrist, Ruby Sexton, Eve Spears, Blue Jay Stone, Ruth Stone, Catherine Sutton, Glenda Webb, Shirley Williams. Lengthy biography and list of accomplishments for Ruth Stone. Editors Notes: Jim Wayne Miller wins the Blaine Award. All the contributors in this issue are women – it was not planned that way. The fall issue will be dedicated to David Madden and will include only contributions by men.
Volume 14, Issue 3. Fall 1978. David Madden Issue. Editors: Wade Hall, Joy Bale Boone, Gregg Swem, Alice Scott. Contributors: Prentice Baker, William Battrick, Harry Brown, Reid Bush, David Benjamin Carden, Joseph R. Chaney, Joseph F. Connelly, David L. Cooper, Harvey O. Davis, Leon V. Driskell, John Filiatreau, Wade Hall, Paul Evans Holbrook, Jr., David Madden, Jim Wayne Miller, Charles Semones, Randy Smallwood. Biography and accomplishments of David Madden; reminder to subscribers about address changes; recognition of patrons; contributors notes.
Volume 15, Issue 1. Winter/spring 1979. 15th Anniversary Issue. On cover: No Land Where I Have Traveled: a Kentucky Poem by Logan English. Editors: Wade Hall, Joy Bale Boone, Gregg Swem, Alice Scott. Contributor: Logan English – the journal contains only his long poem No Land Where I have Traveled. Photos from the English family are also included. Logan English was a native of Bourbon County and attended Georgetown College and Yale University.
Volume 15, Issue 2/3. Summer/fall. John Jacob Niles issue. MISSING
Volume 16, Issue 1. Winter/Spring 1980. Sara Henderson Hay issue. Editors: Wade Hall, Joy Bale Boone, Gregg Swem, Alice Scott, Cora Lucas. Contributors: Sara Henderson Hay, Joy Bale Boone, Harry Brown, Thomas C. Carlson, Lillie D. Chaffin, William Dubie, Carolyn Wilford Fuqua, Nina Krause, Paul Lake, Cora E. Lucas, George Ella Lyon, Jim Wayne Miller, Carol Poster, Paul Salyers, Margaret Secrist, Charles Semones, Rudy Thomas, May C. Van Duyne, Priscilla White. Editors Notes: Leon Driskell wins the Blaine Award.
Volume 16, Issue 2/3. Summer/fall 1980. Robert Penn Warren/Cleanth Brooks: a double issue. Editors: Wade Hall, Joy Bale Boone, Gregg Swem, Alice Scott. Contributors: Betty Adcock, Phillip Appleman, Sallie Bingham, Joy Bale Boone, Cleanth Brooks, Harry Brown, Lillie D. Chaffin, Henry Tim Chambers, James Dickey, Logan English, Leon V. Driskell, Travis Du Priest, Richard Eberhart, Sister M. Clarita Felhoelter, John Filiatreau, Wade Hall, Ann Jonas, J.R. LeMaster, Cora E. Lucas, David Madden, Boynton Merrill Jr., Jim Wayne Miller, R.H. Miller, Marion Montgomery, John Jacob Niles, Guy Owen, Edward Richardson, Alice Scott, Ron Seitz, Charles Semones, Randy Smallwood, Mary Lonnberg Smith, James Still, J.W.D. Stone, Ruth Stone, Jesse Stuart, Hollis Summers, John Unterecker, Robert Penn Warren, Shirley Williams.
Volume 17, Issue 1. Spring 1981. Hollis Summers issue. Editors: Wade Hall, Joy Bale Boone, Gregg Swem, Alice Scott. Contributors: Betty Adcock, Lorraine Allen, David Benjamin Cazden, Shirley R. Chafin, Joseph Connelly, Beatrice G. Dougherty, John T. Flanagan, Caroline Garden, Beverly Giammara, Dot Gibbs, Dean Frice, Paul Holbrook, William R. Lane, Tom MacMorran, Pat Mefas, Jim Wayne Miller, Carolyn Lott Monohan, Althea Parmenter, Lee Pennington, Estill Pollok, James W. Proctor, Pat Ramsey, Diane B. Rutledge, Amy Jo Schoonover, Margaret Secrist, Hollis Summers, Naomi Sussman, Catherine Sutton, Rudy Thomas, Nancy VanValkenburg, Lester H. Ware, Shirley Williams.
Volume 17, Issue 2. Fall, 1981. On cover: I TOUCHED WHITE CLOVER: Poems by Elizabeth Madox Roberts: A Special Issue. Editors: Wade Hall, Joy Bale Boone, Gregg Swem, Alice Scott. Issue contains poems by Elizabeth Madox Roberts (who grew up around Springfield Kentucky) and an 8 page essay on Roberts’ work by William Henry Slavick. The issue is dedicated to the work of Roberts on the occasion of what would have been her 100th birthday.
Volume 18, number 2 (1982)/volume 19, number 1 (1983.) Jim Wayne Miller: a double issue. Editors: Wade Hall, Joy Bale Boone, Gregg Swem, Alice Scott. Contributors: Jim Barnes, Barbara Bloom, William Bridges, Joanne Childers, Billy C. Clark, Jackson Davis, William Virgil Davis, Linda M. Dickey, John D. Douglass, Logan English, Helen R. Glover, Barbara J. Goldberg, Louise Horton, Harlan Hubbard, Susan Jones, Jack B. Kellam, Daniel Lawless, Sydney Annelle, McMullen Lowdenback, Harold McConnell, Marcia McCredie, Jim Wayne Miller, Carolyn Lott Monohan, Maureen Morehead, Alan Naslund, Elizabeth Parker, Edward Pease, James W. Proctor, Linda Swift Reeder, Paul A. Sanders, Charles Semones, Mary Lonnberg Smith, Lois C. Solvin, Eve Spears, Woodridge Spears, Stephanie Parrish Taylor, Rudy Thomas, Harris Todd, Glenda Webb. Includes essay on poetry by Jim Wayne Miller.
Volume 19, number 2. Fall 1983. Logan English Memorial Issue. Editors: Wade Hall, Joy Bale Boone, Gregg Swem, Alice Scott. Contributors: Beverley Ballantine, David-Everett Blythe, J.H. Bowden, Lillie D. Chaffin, Billy C. Clark, Joseph Connelly, Thomas P. Crumpler, Jackson Davis, Maria DeGuzman, Travis Du Priest, Logan English, John T. Flanagan, David Hoefer, Barbara Holder, Harlan Hubbard, Ann Jonas, A.J. Kaul, Sarah Litsey, George Ella Lyon, Carolyn Lott Monohan, Estill Pollok, Donald Secreast, Charles Semones, R.T. Smith, Ruth Stone, Dabney Stuart, John Unterecker, George P. Weick.
Volume 20, number 2. Fall 1984. 20th Anniversary Issue. A showcase of contemporary American poetry. Editors: Wade Hall, Joy Bale Boone, Gregg Swem, Alice Scott. Contributors: Phillip Appleman, James Applewhite, Theresa Bacon, Prentice Baker, Aliki Barnstone, Willis Barnstone, R.L. Barth, James A. Bateman, William Battrick, Lisa Belcher, Wendell Berry, Louie Bickett II, Joy Bale Boone, Edward Burch, Lillie Chaffin, Shirley R. Chafin, Fred Chappell, Joanne Childers, John Ciardi, Billy C. Clark, Joseph F. Connelly, Gwen Curry, Ann Deagon, James Dickey, Anderson Douglass, George Drew, Paul Engle, Clarita Felhoelter, John Filiatreau, Donald Finkel, Jonell Galloway, Carol Gesner, Helen B. Glover, Donald Hall, Wade Hall, Mark Halperin, John Hollander, David Ignatow, Terri L. Jewell, Ann Jonas, X.J. Kennedy, Nina Krause, Greg Kuzma, Janet Lewis, Sarah Litsey, Chloe Hughes Logan, Cora E. Lucas, Thomas Lux, Paul McRay, David Madden, Mary Maddock, Jane Mayhall, Heather Ross Miller, Jim Wayne Miller, R.H. Miller, Marion Montgomery, Michael Mott, John Frederick Nims, Mary Lou Northern, Laurence O’Toole, Barbara Shirk Parish, Althea Stephens Parmenter, Edward Pease, Linda Penick, Marge Piercy, Rhonda C. Poynter, Pat Ramsey, Betty Layman Receveur, Larry Rubin, Raphael Rudnik, Ron Seitz, Charles Semones, Lera Baker Smith, W.D. Snodgrass, Eve Spears, Woodridge Spears, William Stafford, Maura Stanton, James Still, Ruth Stone, Dabney Stuart, Jane Stuart, Hollis Summers, Dorothy M. Sutton, Wanda Thomason, Lewis Turco, John Unterecker, Diane Wakoski, Gordon Weaver, Harvey Curtis Webster, John Foster West, Ruth Whitman, Miriam L. Woolfolk. KPR is now published at Bellarmine College; the contact address is now Bellarmine College, Newburg Rd, Louisville Kentucky 40205.
Volume 21, number 1. Spring/summer 1985. Albert Stewart Issue. Editors: Wade Hall, Joy Bale Boone, Gregg Swem, Alice Scott. Contributors: James Applewhite, James A. Autry, Prentice Baker, Wendell Berry, Fred Chappell, Billy C. Clark, Ann Deagon, Mark Halperin, Daniel Halperin, Terri L. Jewell, Ann Jonas, X.J. Kennedy, Sarah Litsey, Marie Noelle Chris Long, David Madden, Greg Miller, Jim Wayne Miller, Michael Mott, Dell Park, Rosetta Radtke, Francis Coleman Rosenberger, Ron Seitz, Albert Stewart, James Still, Dabney Stuart, Hollis Summers, John Unterecker, Diane Wakoski, Sylvia Turk Weinberg, John Foster West. Includes 20 year index spanning 1964 to 1984.
Volume 21, number 2. Fall 1985. Wendell Berry issue. Editors: Wade Hall, Joy Bale Boone, Gregg Swem, Alice Scott. Contributors: Kenneth O. Anderson, Wendell Berry, Robert Bess, Don Boes, Joan W. Bowman, Gay Brewer, Edward Burch, Joseph Chaney, Joanne Childers, Gwen Curry, Maria DeGuzman, Peter Desy, Thomas Feeny, Thomas Bayley Gaines, Kate Hancock, Janet Ruth Heller, Kenneth King, Nina Krause, Sarah Litsey, Marie-Noelle Chris Long, Jim Wayne Miller, Peter Mladinic Gerald Musinsky, Joan New, Edward Pease, Gus Pelletier, Sofiah Pullom, Patricia Ramsey, Robert M. Randolph, Nana Ray, Amy Jo Schoonover, Ron Seitz, Charles Semones, R.T. Smith, Jane Stuart, Joe Survant, John Unterecker, Harvey Curtis Webster.
Volume 22, number 1. Spring 1986. Jane Stuart issue. Editors: Wade Hall, Joy Bale Boone, Gregg Swem, Alice Scott. Contributors: Prentice Baker, William Battrick, Lillie Chaffin, Henry Tim Chambers, John Coleman, Gayle Compton, R.S. Dunn, Sister Clarita Felhoelter, Tyler Henshaw, Conrad Stuart Juergensmeyer, Jack Justice, Beth Kalikoff, Don Kehoe, Lyn Lifshin, Sarah Litsey, Mark Musa, Elaine Shaffer Parker, Terri Pullen, H. Edward Richardson, T.J. Rivard, Daryl Rogers, Francis Coleman Rosenberger, Charles Semones, Shirley Sotsky, Eve Spears, Albert Stewart, Jane Stuart, Philip Lee Williams, Fritz Wolf
Volume 22, number 2. Fall 1986. Sarah Litsey issue. Editors: Wade Hall, Joy Bale Boone, Gregg Swem, Alice Scott. Contributors: Floyd Albert, Prentice Baker, Kate Borden, Matthew Brennan, Harry Brown, Marsha Caddell, Kenneth Cherry, David Dooley, George Drew, Thomas Feeny, Jack Folsom, E.W. Goggin, Elise Hammond, Jonathan Harrington, Robert E. Haynes, Tyler Henshaw, Allen Hoey, Steven Huff, Donnell Hunter, L. Bradley Law, Sarah Litsey, Sister Mary Lucina, Walter McDonald, Rachel Matheis, Carolyn Lott Monohan, Michael Moran, Ted Morison, Jesse Mountjoy, Christopher Nye, Harry Olive, Charlotte F. Otten, Diana Reed, Elizabeth Madox Roberts, Bonnie Roberts, Charles Semones, Leonard A. Slade, Jr., Frederick Smock, Eve Spears, Rudy Thomas, Steven L. Walker, Harvey Webster, Robert Lewis Weeks, Christopher Woods.
Volume 23, number 1. Spring 1987. James Laughlin issue. Editors: Wade Hall, Joy Bale Boone, Gregg Swem, Alice Scott. Contributors: Philip Appleman, James A. Autry, Tim Barton, Mary Ernestine Beam, Hayden Carruth, Robert E. Daggy, David Dooley, Leon V. Driskell, Clarita Felhoelter, Helen B. Glover, Allen Hoey, Paul Hoover, Geof Huth, James Laughlin, John Leax, Denise Levertov, Sarah Litsey, Matthew Louviere, Michael McClure, Martha McFerren, Carolyn Lott Monohan, Barbara Shirk Parish, Tony Park, Paul Ramsey, Diana Reed, Andrew Richey, Clara Rising, Ron Seitz, Charles Semones, Shirley Sotsky, Woodridge Spears, Albert Stewart, Dorothy Moseley Sutton, David Tillinghast, Russ Traunstein, Michael Umphrey, John Unterecker, Rosmarie Waldrop, Steven L. Walker, Mirieam L. Woolfolk, Theodore Worozbyt, Jr.
Volume 23, number 2. Fall 1987. Reynolds Price Issue. Editors: Wade Hall, Joy Bale Boone, Gregg Swem, Alice Scott. Contributors: James A. Autry, Prentice Baker, Joseph Bathanti, Richard G. Beyer, John Blair, Janet Buickerood Blue, Don Boes, Polly Brown, Sal Cetrano, Joseph F. Connelly, M. Truman Cooper, Barbara Deatherage, David Reid Dillon, James Doyle, Christopher Dungey, M.J. Echelberger, Clarita Felhoelter, Albert Garcia, Max Garland, William H. Green, Roald Hoffman, Harlan Hubbard, Gray Jacobik, Susan Jones, Sarah Litsey, Diane Lunde, Barbara Mabry, Sandra Marshburn, Walter McDonald, Heather Ross Miller, Robert Nacey, Tina Pippin, Reynolds Price, Barry Rachin, Elizabeth Rees, Margaret Renkl, Clara Rising, Carol Seitzer, Charles Semones, Rita Signorelli-Pappas, R.T. Smith, Shirley Sotsky, Barry Spacks, Eve Spears, James Still, John Unterecker, John Van Doren, Steven L. Walker.
Volume 24, number 1. Spring 1988. May Sarton issue. Editors: Wade Hall, Joy Bale Boone, Gregg Swem, Alice Scott. Contributors: Nancy Andrews, Susan Ashbury, William Battrick, Michael Bettencourt, Mildred Williams Boggs, Joy Bale Boone, Jean Burden, Judith R. Burrows, Kenneth Cherry, Robert Cooperman, Christopher de VInck, Leon V. Driskell, Miriam Flock, Paula Friedman, Beth George, Gillian Grant, William H. Green, Dale Haskell, Marcie Hershman, William Heyen, Roald Hoffmann, Constance Hunting, Earl G. Ingersoll, Terri L. Jewell, Elizabeth Knies, Robert Lindsey, Timothy Patrick McBride, Mary Virginia Micka, Heather Ross Miller, Linda Pastan, May Sarton, Robin Schwarz, Jack Shadoian, Leonard A. Slade, Jr., R.T. Smith, John Tagliabue, Mike Thomas, John Unterecker, James J. Valone, David Scott Ward. Editors Notes includes the information that the Green River Writers Retreat will be held at WKU beginning July 15. Steven L. Walker wins the Blaine Hall Award.
Volume 25, number 1. Spring 1989. Philip Appleman issue. Editors: Wade Hall, Joy Bale Boone, Gregg Swem, Alice Scott. Contributors: Marjorie Appleman, Philip Appleman, Willis Barnstone, Sallie Bingham, Siv Cedering, Phillip Corwin, Wayne Cox, Chip Dameron, Robert Klein Engler, Chris Forhan, Daniela Gioseffi, William H. Green, John Kaufman, Barbara Kingsolver, Michael Klein, Dorie LaRue, Roger Mitchell, Stanley Moss, Christopher Nye, Robert Phillips, M. Dane Picard, Kenneith Pobo, James A. Scruton, Leonard A. Slade, Jr., William Stafford, Elizabeth Stahlecker, Maura Stanton, Lewis Turco, Robert Lewis Weeks, Philip Lee Williams.
Volume 25, number 2. Fall/Winter 1989/90. Ray Bradbury Issue. Editors: Wade Hall, Joy Bale Boone, Gregg Swem, Alice Scott. Contributors: Philip Appleman, Susan Ashbury, James A. Autry, Sanora Babb, William Baer, Bonnie L. Barrett, William T. Battrick, Helen Bevington, Sallie Bingham, Joy Bale Boone, Ray Bradbury, Gay Brewer, Richard Brobst, Louis Daniel Brodsky, Keith Cartwright, Lillie D. Chaffin, Kelly Cherry, Kenneth Cherry, Joanne Childers, Andrea Cohen, Joseph F. Connelly, Steven R. Cope, Phillip Corwin, Jack Coulehan, Daniel Dahlquist, Victor M. Depta, William Dwyer, Clarita Felhoelter, Robert E. Haynes, James Hazen, Daniel Hill, Roald Hoffmann, Eric Horsting, Charlie G. Hughes, Mark Johnston, Lizbeth Kelley, Barbara Kingsolver, Nina Krause, James Laughlin, Sarah Litsey, R. Nikolas Macioci, Judy Gill Milford, William Miller, Robert Mitchell, Lenard D. Moore, Christopher Nye, Robert Parham, Barbara Presnell, Paul Quenon, Margaret Renkl, John Rhinehart, Mary Bee Rogers, Sue Scalf, Ron Seitz, Charles Semones, Steven Sher, Diann Blakely Shoaf, Michael Skau, Jerry Ray Smith, Frederick Smock, Shirley Sotsky, Eve Spears, Jean W. Stanley, Shelby Stephenson, Jane Stuart, Scott E. Thomas, Steven L. Walker, Ron Watson, Steve West, Frederick Wilbur, Charles Williams. Issue includes 4 new poems by Ray Bradbury.
Contemporary Kentucky Poetry. Hardbound. ©1964 Friends of Kentucky Libraries. Edited by Joy Bale. Printed in Elizabethtown by Bean Publishing Company.
Contemporary Kentucky Poetry. Hardbound. ©1967 Friends of Kentucky Libraries. Edited by Joy Bale, Henry Tim Chambers, Alice Bondurant Scott, Lill Parrish, Charley Nell Llewellyn. Published by Friends of Kentucky Libraries. Page Designs by Lill Parrish. Printed in Elizabethtown by Bean Publishing Company.
Ten. Paper-bound. Louisville/Elizabethtown 1969. n.p. Back page reads “a note to our readers. The ten poets represented in this book are known as the Approaches group, named after the Kentucky poetry quarterly edited by Joy Bale of Elizabethtown…” Book contains 6 poems by Alice Scott.
Never less than love: poems by Joy Bale. Paperbound. Edited by Wade Hall, Alice Scott, Jesse Franklin, Gregg Swem, Roberta Scott Bunnell. Louisville: Kentucky Poetry Press, n.d.
The Storm’s Eye: a verse narrative of Cassius Marcellus Clay, by Joy Bale. Paperbound. Edited by Wade Hall, Alice Scott, Gregg Swem.
Alice Bondurant was born in 1925, in Louisville, but grew up on a farm in Meade County. As a 17-year old she taught school in a rural one-room schoolhouse. Scott wrote later that she felt called to the ministry when she was 11 but “women in our world did not preach, so I decided to become a teacher.”
Alice Bondurant married Jack Scott; together they had five children. Over the course of her life Scott also served as a bank marketing officer, speech therapist, a trailblazing United Methodist minister and chaplain. She was also a poet and editor. Her work appeared in several issues of Approaches and Kentucky Poetry Review.
Alice Scott served as co-editor of Approaches from 1968 to 1976. She continued to serve as co-editor of Kentucky Poetry Review until 1990. She also served as an editor for the book Contemporary Kentucky Poetry, published in Elizabethtown in 1967. When she served as marketing officer for Citizen’s Bank of Elizabethtown she won an award in an international competition, under the name A.B. Scott. At the awards ceremony in San Francisco attending bankers were shocked that the winner was a woman.
Scott took classes at the University of Kentucky and Nazareth College where she earned a degree in speech pathology. She worked in that field for five years. In 1978 she began seminary studies at the Louisville Presbyterian Theological Ministry where she earned a Master of Divinity degree.
Reverend Scott served as pastor to a number of area churches, often encountering resistance due to her gender. At the request of the bishop she wrote a pamphlet entitled “The Pastor is a Woman” which was to be distributed to churches in order to prepare them for female ministers. She served missions in Haiti, Jamaica and the Dominican Republic. She hosted an exchange student, Jin Ming Ma, who attended Elizabethtown Community College and became an ordained minister as well. Jin Ming Ma is another recipient of the ECTC Distinguished Alumni Award.
Reverend Alice Bondurant Scott passed away in 2016, in Elizabethtown.
Normally the library does not accept donations that do not pertain to the history of the college. An exception was made for this particular collection as it contains a number of ties to the college. The collection belonged to Alice Bondurant Scott, a notable resident of Elizabethtown and a co-editor of Approaches/KPR. The journal issues were donated by her daughter, Rachel Scott Marshall, senior pastor at Memorial United Methodist Church in Elizabethtown until her retirement. Marshall was among the first students to attend Elizabethtown Community College; she was honored in later years with a Distinguished Alumni Award. Alice’s son John, an Elizabethtown attorney, is another former ECC student and recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award.
Contributors to Approaches/KPR included some ECC alumni, including Helen Stanley McCloy, later a writer for the Courier-Journal. She was a founding member of ECC’s first newspaper, the Wildcat. She was also a member of ECC’s first graduating class in 1966. Other ECC alumni who contributed works include Gray Zeitz, founder and owner-operator of Larkspur Press, Jonell Galloway, food blogger, and Mary Ernestine Beam, a Kentucky writer with several publications under her belt. In addition, KPR published poems by ECC English instructor Gary M. Green.
Award-winning novelist David Madden contributed regularly to Approaches/KPR. Madden served as ECC’s first creative writing instructor, offering the college’s first for-credit writing class (ENG 207, Writing Fiction) during the 1964 Spring Semester. Fridays, 7pm to 9:30pm. He was teaching at the University of Louisville. James S. Owen, ECC’s first Director, asked Madden and James M. Collier of Elizabethtown to teach a class each; he did not want the newly completed Administration Building to sit empty, awaiting the fall semester.
As the magazine grew in prominence it attracted submissions from writers living throughout the United States. Ray Bradbury, Robert Penn Warren, Linda Pashtan, Denise Levertov, Marge Piercy, Barbara Kingsolver, Philip Appleman, and Ruth Stone all contributed original works. At the same time Approaches/Kentucky Poetry Review continued to honor established Kentucky writers and nourish new ones. Jesse Stuart, Jim Wayne Miller, Lee Pennington, Sallie Bingham, Wendell Berry, Joe Survant, Frederick Smock, Gray Zeitz, Maureen Morehead, Elizabeth Oakes, Steven Cope, Matthew Brennan, George Ella Lyon, and Richard Taylor all contributed to the publication. All of these individuals have read at ECC/ECTC over the years. Some have conducted workshops. Contributor Gray Zeitz received the ECTC Distinguished Alumni Award in 2009.