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ECTC Archives: Accreditation

Description of ECTC archives holdings; a brief history; finding aids; images


Elizabethtown Community and Technical College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges. Since the college opened in 1964 it has gone through the ten-year Reaffirmation of Accreditation process six times - four times as Elizabethtown Community College, and twice as Elizabethtown Community and Technical College.

The ECTC Archives contains materials pertaining to the 1970, 1980, 1990 and 2000 reaffirmation reviews. It also contains a copy of the Compliance Certification (Self-Study) for 2008.

Key documents for the reviews include; the initial proposal; the Self-Study Report; the Reaffirmation Report; the responses made by the institution to recommendations made by the Visiting Committee. Materials also include meeting minutes for the Self-Study Steering Committee and the various subcommittees; draft reports submitted by the subcommittees; communications with the SACSCOC Visiting Committee; communications with the campus regarding the Committee's visit; materials used as documentation for and within the Self-Study report; materials used as displayed documentation for the Committee's visit.

The Accreditation Review materials are valuable because they provide the most thorough and in-depth look at the college during the 10-year periods between each review. Every reaffirmation required that the accrediting agency scrutinize every aspect of the college and its ability to provide the services promised. A researcher wishing to gain in-depth knowledge of a college would be wise to begin with the Self-Studies and other accreditation documents.

The process began with a document that was referred to as the Self-Study Report, prepared by the institution. (The document is now referred to as the Compliance Certification and is prepared using an online template.) It covered the institution's mission, educational programs, all aspects regarding student admission; student codes of conduct; student enrollment; student characteristics; student support services such as libraries and tutoring labs; all aspects of faculty employment, policies, and activities; distance learning, continuing education, financial resources and management; administrative functions, activities and policies; advisory boards/boards of directors; institutional advancement; grants; outreach to alumni; physical resources, maintenance, safety; computing networks and equipment, community activities, and more. Student and non-student surveys were conducted, and data was gathered from each of the departments, divisions and entities. 

When the accreditation teams came for the ten-year visit it viewed the facilities and activities; conducted interviews with personnel; and reviewed a large quantity of supporting documents. In the following months it prepared the Reaffirmation Report in which it indicated whether or not the institution was successful in its bid for reaffirmation of accreditation. The report also included recommendations and suggestions for areas of concern. The institution was then expected to prepare a report in which it explained how it planned to address those areas of concern. In many cases new departments, policies and procedures, positions and initiatives arose from the SACS recommendations.

Applicable terms: self-study; SACS; SACSCOC; evaluation; accreditation; reaffirmation; review


Accreditation - 1970

(current Label: SACS 002.02. 1967-68. Self-Studies. Temporary Label: 1970 Accreditation. Box 1)

  • Green binder with label “Miss Martha Bain Self Study.” Elizabethtown Community College. Southern Association Self Study Workbook. August 15, 1968. Typed. Contains overview of college; list of committee and subcommittee members; list of instructions for subcommittees.
  • Handwritten instructions for the Steering Committee – copied as mimeograph
  • Manual for the Institutional Self-Study Program of the Commission on Colleges. SACS. 1967. Bound. Supplementary material in inside pocket
  • First Draft. Self-Study report
  • Second Draft. Self-Study report
  • Semi-Final Draft. April 25, 1969. Bound. Mimeograph


  • Temporary Label: Accreditation 1970 Box 2.
  • Final Self-Study. Bound. July 1969.
  • Folder.
    • Instructions to Steering Committee, attached to draft of report for Physical Plant Committee. [Program Curriculum requirements] – one sheet per program with required classes listed by semester
    • Class schedule for Fall 1968, organized by subject
    • Some meeting minutes for the Physical Plant Committee
    • Recommendations concerning the four tracks of English Composition
    • Recommendations concerning reading laboratory and speed reading laboratory
    • General instructions for interpreting “student writing sample” scores
  • Folder.
    • Memos regarding meetings; drafts of sections; memos regarding tasks and deadlines; student questionnaire; non-student questionnaire. Many of the materials are mimeographed
  • Folder.
    • Fifth Year Evaluation
    • Elizabethtown Community College. Fifth Year Evaluation Committee. Educational Program. June 8, 1976. Mimeograph. 
    • Final Rough Draft – Educational Programs. Division of Science and Related Technologies. Mary Lucas and Denis Morrow. 1976. 
    • Changes in Faculty 1969-1976 (size and qualifications. Fifth Year Review Committee – Educational Program. Division of Social and Behavioral Sciences. Submitted by Ernest L. Hill. Date: June 15, 1976. Typed. 
    • Report on the Humanities and Fine Arts Division of Elizabethtown Community College. Submitted by Donna Lee Hill. June 15, 1976. Mimeograph. 
    • Continuing Education. Typed. 
    • Off-campus Unit. Typed. 
    • PREP. Typed.
    • Rough Draft. Fifth Year Evaluation Committee. Organization, Administration, Financial Support and Physical Plant. Typed
  • Information Concerning Changes in Student Development Services Since 1969. N.d. Student Handbook 1975-76 attached. Typed, bound in blue three-ring binder

Accreditation - 1980

Box 1

(002.02. 1979-1980. To be merged with SACS)

Original arrangement
Folder. ECC 110. Self-Study. 1980. Of [Don] Wallace

  • Minutes. Physical Resources Committee. February 22, 1980. Agenda, handwritten notes. Mimeographs
  • Memo. From SACS. To Institutions Beginning the Institutional Self-Study Program in 1979. February 16, 1979. 
  • Commission on Colleges. Institutional Self-Study Program Guidelines for the Steering Committee. Organizational tasks. Personnel. Editor. Time. Resources. Process. Role of the Steering Committee. Follow-up of Self Study. Self-study report.
  • Self-study manual for ECC in cooperation with the COCSACS 1979-1980
  • Memo from Larry D. Stanley to CC Directors. October 17, 1979. Includes Self-Study directory. 
  • Memo. From Self-Study Steering Committee. To: Faculty. Subject: Student Questionnaire. October 11, 1979. Mimeograph
  • Copy of student questionnaire
  • Memo. From: Steering Committee. To Standards chairmen. Subject: new appointment to self-study committees. August 6, 1979. Summer agenda attached
  • Memo. From: Steering Committee. To Principal Committee Chairmen. N.d. April 27 1979 written in ink upper right hand corner. Mimeograph. Subject: Non-student questionnaire results from Part III: Prose responses. Handwritten responses to questions attached. 16 pages
  • Memo. From: Steering Committee: To Principal Committee Chairmen. Subject: non-student questionnaire. April 19, 1979. Number tabulation of answers. Copy of non-student questionnaire. Instructions for respondents. 
  • Memo. From: Steering Committee: To Principal Committee Chairmen. Subject: revised committee roster; non-student questionnaire. April 6, 1979. Attached is draft of non-student questionnaire with handwritten edits. May be pulled
  • Letter. From. Stanley Wall, Vice President of the CCS. To: Don Wallace. April 18, 1979. Will have information to the steering committee
  • Memo from Steering Committee to Dr. Stanley Wall, March 14, 1979. Requesting information
  • Memo from Steering Committee to Dr. Owen, March 13, 1979. Subject: self-study report. Proposed budget attached. 
  • Memo. From Steering Committee. To: administrators including Dr. Owen. March 9, 1979. Attached is list of data which the various committees have requested. 
  • Steering committee meeting minutes for multiple meetings. Most of these are mimeograph. Includes typed meeting minutes for SACS Representative Visit, February 26, 1979. Mr. Chuck Stebbins, a SACS representative, met with persons involved in the Self-study…
  • Directory of Faculty, Staff, Advisory Board and North Central Board of Directors. 1978-79. Names, telephone numbers, rank and teaching areas. 

Folder. ECC 110. Don Wallace. [Folder 2]

  • Standard III Worksheet.
  • Standard Three. Education Program Committee. Meeting minutes. February 28 to December 12, Mimeograph. Not together – separated by other documents
  • First rough draft of Admissions (recruitment, financial aid and enrollment)
  • Standard Three. Education Program. ECC Self Study. 1979-80. Non-student questionnaire. Mimeograph.
  • Education Program Committee. Request for basic data. Data requested listed. D. Wallace, 3/5 handwritten at top. Mimeograph.
  • 20 pages of charts, tables and data. Some pages mimeograph
  • Divider – tab says Finances
  • Table with yearly expenditures for System Support Items, Main Campus Support, Debt Service, Renovation, Staff benefits
  • Finance Committee. Meeting minutes. August 9 to April 10, 1979
  • Documents outlining financial information, sources of income, allocation, handwritten notes, narratives, refund policy

Folder. ECC 110. Don Wallace. [Folder 3]

  • Divider. Tab – Faculty
  • Standard V Worksheet. Includes Standard V Statement
  • Meeting minutes
  • Tentative outline
  • Rough draft. Mimeograph. Handwritten notes
  • [Ann Cowan was committee secretary. Middy Judd was Middy Lamkin; became Judd in the last meeting minutes]
  • Divider. Tab – Academic Support Services
  • Standard VI worksheet. Includes Standard VI statement
  • Meeting minutes. February 21 to December 6 1979. Mary Lucas, chairman. Dr. Robert Toohey, Sherry Boarner (secretary), Dale Buckles (secretary), Donald Ethington, Rosemary Moffett, Larry Wilson, Dr. Collier. Mimeograph
  • Outline of first draft. Mimeograph. Handwritten notes in marker ink. Rough draft attached.
  • Objectives. Mimeograph
  • Narrative on ASS. Mimeograph
  • Divider. Tab – Student Services
  • Standard VII Worksheet. Standard VII Statement
  • Meeting minutes. Student Development Services. Mark French, Ernest Hill, Shelton Kirby, Powell Livesay, Diane Owsley, Peggy Ritchie, Jimmy Elmore, Jack Tinsley, Shafter Watts, Jackie Gerard
  • Outline
  • Rough draft with notes

Folder. ECC 110. [Folder4]

  • Divider. Tab. Physical Resources. [CF Folder 1 – moved some meeting minutes for Physical Resources from Folder 3 to Folder 1 – 
  • Meeting minutes February 15 to November 16 1979. Denis Morrow, chair. Joella Rogers [Spataro], secretary. Carol Lewis, Martha Rice, Karen Gabbert, Larry Holbert, Jim Maples, Glen Hodge, Bill Swope.
  • Tentative Outline
  • Non-student questionnaire
  • Information requested. Wallace, 3/9, handwritten in ink at top
  • Divider. Tab – special activities
  • Meeting minutes. February 14 to December 13 1979. Special Activities Committee. Kim Hendricks, Denver Fugate (chairman), Marolyn Perkins, Beth Cahaney, Martha Simpson, Georgia Keen, Camille Hill, T.K. Stone, Sonia Ware (secretary). Mimeograph
  • Rough draft with notes. Mimeograph, handwritten notes in ink
  • Information requested
  • Timeline. Mimeograph
  • Timeline and topics to be completed. Typed

Folder. ECC 110. Self Study Maurice Utley. 

  • [Student questionnaire] Typed. 
  • Non-student questionnaire with instructions
  • Continuing education narrative. Mimeograph
  • Off-campus narrative with tables and charts. Mimeograph
  • Numbers for answers to questionnaires
  • Workshops, conferences and other community service activities. Narrative. Mimeograph
  • Summary of Continuing Education by semester, 1972 to 1979
  • Self-study manual for ECC in cooperation with COCSACS. 1979-80. Instructions, time lines, meeting schedules, standards, calendar, dates for evaluation of drafts, lists of committees and committee members
  • Progress reports
  • Meeting minutes
  • Letter to NCKEF committee members asking them to join committees

Folder 6 (new)

  • Meeting minutes for Organization and Administration Subcommittee

Folder 7 (new)

  • Meeting minutes for Education Progress, Finance, Faculty and ASS subcommittees

Folder 8 (new)

  • Meeting minutes for Student Services, Special Activities, Projections

Box 2

Folder. ECC 110. Self Study. Denis Morrow.  [1]

  • Self study manual, documents for Purpose Committee
  • Meeting Minutes for Organization and Administration
  • Meeting Minutes for Education Progress
  • Meeting Minutes for Finances
  • Meeting Minutes for Faculty
  • Meeting Minutes for Academic Support Services
  • Meeting Minutes for Student Services
  • Meeting Minutes for Physical Resources

Folder. Self Study Minutes and Other Communications. [2]

  • Self-study. James S. Owen. Self-study manual. Bound. Duplicate
  • Self-study. Financial Resources. Ann Thompson. Bound
  • 1984-85 Narrative Report. Typed
  • ECC. Report on completion status of 1984-85 Goals and 1984-85 Narrative Report

Box 3

The following are in unnumbered folders:

  • Fifth Year Review Committee [Report]. Program Summary Reports. Typed. 94 pages PRIORITY
  • Report on Suggestions and Recommendations made by the Fifth Year Unit Review Committee. May 23, 1986 PRIORITY
  • ECC Progress Report to the Committee on Standards and Reports for Level 1. COCSACS. May 1987. PRIORITY
  • Responses to Recommendations in Report of the Visiting Committee. 2 copies. PRIORITY
  • Visiting Committee Reaffirmation Report for ECC. Date of visit: October 5 – 8, 1980. 2 copies. One copy put with duplicates. HIGH PRIORITY
  • Self Study. Physical Resources. Draft report. Supplementary information; maps, floor plans
  • SACS visit preparation
  • Minutes of Self-Study Steering Committee – review; compare with other collections of meeting minutes
  • Minutes of Self Study Physical Resources  Subcommittee – review and compare with other collections of meeting minutes
  • Standard Three. Educational Program. Report

Accreditation 1990


(current Label: SACS 004.00; Self-studies. Box 3. Temporary Label: 1990 Self Study/SACS. Permanent label will be Accreditation 1990 Box 1. All self-studies and SACS boxes, currently in different parts of the collection, will be merged under Accreditation. 

Folder 1

  • ECC Student Opinion Survey attached to memo from Darby Williams, September 20, 1989
  • Typed questions for student survey
  • Institutional Self-Assessment Survey. Instructions. List of categories. Typed
  • Non-Student Questionnaire. Instructions, questions. Typed

Folder 2

  • Letter. Darby Willliams, Dean of Academic Affairs, to the American College Testing Program. Summary documents attached. 
  • Sample memo to instructors from Darby Williams. Instructors are informed that their students have been selected for survey inclusion. 
  • Sample survey
  • ACT Student Opinion Survey. Comments. Fall, 1989. Typed. 
  • ACT Student Opinion Survey Summary Report. Fall 1989
  • Student Opinion Survey Sample
  • Self-Study News. 1 page
  • Handwritten note and flyer about Student Open Forum
  • ECCO [student newspaper.] March 1990 issue. Article about survey results
  • Student Opinion Survey. [Number of respondents.]  Column 1: schedule, name of instructor. Column 1: number and course abbreviation. Column 3: number of respondents.
  • Schedule of classes. Fall 1989. Continuous form, green-bar printer paper.
  • Summary of survey results

Folder 3. Organizational materials

  • SACS. ECC Planning Report. February 1989. Darby Williams. Institutional Accreditation. General. Categories. Committee members for Steering and subcommittees
  • Memo from Darby Williams to Steering Committee. February 3, 1989
  • Handwritten notes made during Faculty Meeting, January 27, 1989
  • Self-study Progress Report to the Campus Community. 35 pages, typed. 
  • Overview of ECC. N.d. Typed. 2 pages
  • Summary of Recommendations. ECC 1990 Self Study. Typed. 
  • Letter to Dr. Stebbins from Dan J. Smith, President, Higher Education Corporation. May 23, 1989
  • COC-SACS. List of Must statements from the Criteria for Accreditation. Typed.
  • COC-SACS. Checksheet on conditions of eligibility
  • Invitation from Darby and Chris Williamas to 616 Yale Drive, Friday October 5. “Thank Goodness They’re Gone.”
  • Invitation. A Celebration Luncheon for Self-Study Steering Committee Members. Friday June 15. Bethlehem Academy. 7051 St. John Road. “Too Much SACS”

Folder 4

  • Self Study. Instructional Faculty. [Draft of section of Self-Study.] Typed.
  • Memo to Ron Thomas from Darby Williams, June 16, 1990. [suggestions/requests over content in Educational Program. Begins with the sentence “The bubbly stuff we drank at our celebration luncheon made me dysfunctional…”
  • Rough draft of Education Support Services. Memo attached. To: Self-Study Steering Committee. From M. Utley/Education Support Services. Date: March 26, 1990. Subject: A Really Ruff Draft.
  • Rough draft. Instructional Faculty
  • Memo from Darby Williams. Date: June 7, 1989. Subject: Division Chairpersons Meeting. Attached memo form stating that the Instructional Faculty Committee met and need the chairs to meet and conduct the teaching qualifications audit…form for audit attached.
  • Memo from Darby Williams, May 24, 1989, regarding the teaching qualifications audit
  • Handwritten meeting notes
  • Sample of teaching qualifications audit form. (Multiple copies discarded)
  • Memo from Dr. Charles Wethington to CC Directors regarding faculty qualifications. February 15, 1983
  • Faculty qualification forms attached to criteria for qualifications
  • Memo from Darby Williams to division chairs, December 6, 1989. Thank you for qualifications audit

Folder 5

  • Letter from John E. Sites, Associate Executive Director, COC-SACS to Dr. Charles Stebbins. October 17, 1990. The final copy of the report will come in the next few weeks
  • List of names, institutions, and phone numbers of Reaffirmation Committee members along with the specific areas assigned to them
  • Documents regarding the visit
  • Programs. ECC Self Study 1990. Invitation to Potluck Dinner
  • Listing of documents on file
  • Examples of Actions/Responses to Institutional Assessment
  • Handwritten agenda for visit
  • Letter from John E Sites to Dr. Stebbins, August 31, 1990. Attached is the completed committee roster for the Reaffirmation Visit
  • Information for SACS about ECC revenue
  • List of visits
  • Communications from John E Sites to Dr. Stebbins
  • Form. Summary Evaluation by a Reaffirmation Committee of a Comprehensive Institutional Self-Study
  • 1990-91 Annual Goals

Folder 6

Self-Study Proposal. Reaffirmation of Accreditation Project. September 1989. Multiple copies. Typed. PRIORITY

Folder 7

  • Self-Study Steering Committee. Committee members, communications, meeting minutes.
  • Folder containing Darby Williams’ conference material. Institutional Research Conference. May 12, 1989


Currently labeled 002.02. 1989-90. Self Studies. Temporary Label. Self-Study 1990. Permanent Label: Accreditation 1990 Box 2

Folder 1

  • Institutional Self Assessment Survey. Instructions, categories (administrative processes, educational programs, etc)
  • Sample memo from Darby Williams to instructor. Date: September 28, 1989. Subject: ECC Student Opinion Survey. “Students in your class have been selected…”; letter from Darby Williams to American College Testing Program, October 19, 1989; prepared formal survey to be distributed to students
  • Institutional Self-Assessment Survey. Comments. 1989 written on upper right corner. 12 pages, typed. 
  • ACT. Student Opinion Survey. Comments. ECC. Fall 1989. Typed. 19 pages. 
  • ACT. Student Opinion Survey. Summary Report. ECC. Fall 1989
  • COC. SACS. Institutional Profile. Elizabethtown Community College of the University of KY. October 1, 1989. 8 pages. Typed. Priority
  • General Substantive Change Policy for Accredited Institutions of the COC. Cover sheet: facsimile transmission. From Jack Sites. To Darby Williams. April 26, 1991
  • Summary of Recommendations. ECC 1990 Self-Study
  • Memo. From: Dr. Stebbins. To: Faculty and Staff. Date: February 6, 1992. Official notification received from SACS of our reaffirmation of accreditation. PRIORITY
  • Letters and memos regarding visit
  • Procedure B. Substantive Change Procedures Involving the Initiation of changes other than the initiation of certificates, degrees or coursework…March 12 1990 stamped upper right corner. Document File List. Very Faded

Folder 1a

  • Institutional Self-Assessment Survey Results

Folder 2

  • Meeting minutes of Self-Steering Committee. Compare with other meeting minutes

Folder 3

  • Report of the Reaffirmation Committee. Visit: October 1-4 1990. Accompanying letter from John Sites to Dr. Stebbins, indicating the enclosed report and reminding Dr. Stebbins of the need to prepare a written response to the recommendations. February 22, 1991. HIGH PRIORITY

Folder 4

  • Responses to SACS Visiting Committee Recommendations. Cover letter. From: Dr. Stebbins. To: Maurice Utley. Date: October 15, 1991.

Folder 5

  • Communication from Judith Rozeman, Coordinator for Institutional Research, UKCC to Dr. Charles Stebbins regarding student surveys
  • Communication from Dr. Charles Wethington to Dr. Randall W. Dahl regarding reaffirmation and transfer students
  • Institutional Commitment and Conditions of Eligibility. 15 pages

Not in folders

  • Second-year Follow-up to the October 1990 SACS-COC Reaffirmation Report. October 1993. Bound. PRIORITY
  • Bound 1990 Self-Study – in conference room with other duplicates
  • Self Study 1990. Bound
  • Elizabethtown Community College. SACS Response [Responses by ECC to the SACS committee recommendations.] Bound. PRIORITY


Accreditation 2000

Currently labeled SACS 001.01-001.05. Reports. Temporary Label: Accreditation 2000. Box 1
1.    Bound report. Stage 1. Pursuit of single accreditation and consolidation. ECC PRIORITY
2.    KCTCS Affirmative Action Plan. PRIORITY
3.    SACS. Institutional Profile. October 1, 1989. Report. PRIORITY
4.    Reaffirmation Report by SACS. 1990. HIGH PRIORITY
5.    Response to Recommendations in Reaffirmation Report. Memos, report. 1991-1992. HIGH PRIORITY
6.    (Labeled Folder 5 cont.) Response to Recommendations in Reaffirmation Report. Memos, reports. Contains 1980 reaffirmation report; 1986 response report; letters and memos
7.    Bound report. A Report Prepared for Visiting Committees of the Commission on Colleges. SACS. Spring 2001. VALUABLE. Contains information about the affirmation of KCTCS, recommendations, the process of UK-phaseout and KCTCS phase-in. System Office should have a copy but this should be retained. HIGH PRIORITY
Bound Self-Study 2000


Currently labeled SACS 001.00. Reports (manuals, guides, VHS and cassette tapes.) Temporary Label: Accreditation 2000. Box 2.

•    1998 Criteria for Accreditation. The name “Thompson” is written on the cover in ink
•    1998-1999 Rules of the Senate of the University of Kentucky Community College System. Revised July 1998. Bound. The label on the upper right of the cover, “Document 9” means that this item was laid on a table in the Student Center as supporting evidence
•    ECC. Institutional Effectiveness Manual. SACS 200 [sic] written in pencil on label. 
•    Stage 1. Pursuit of Single Accreditation and Consolidation. Elizabethtown Community College. Elizabethtown Technical College. June 2002. This is not technically part of the 2000 Accreditation; it may be moved elsewhere eventually. This merger would result in a substantive change accreditation process. Bound. VERY HIGH PRIORITY
•    KCTCS Personnel Manual. Bound. Label on upper right of cover; Document 7. Table exhibit/evidence
•    Report Prepared for Visiting Committees of the COCSACS. KCTCS. Thirteen Community Colleges of the KCTCS. Summer 1999. Draft. Document 19 [exhibit/evidence] Bound. Duplicate elsewhere. Priority
•    Community College Faculty Evaluation Process. Draft. Bound. Document 20 [exhibit/evidence]
•    Self-Study. First Draft
•    ADDED: Surveys 1999. 
•    ADDED: Student Surveys. Responses to student surveys conducted 1996-97; responses to exit questionnaire 1996; responses to student surveys 1997. 


  • KCTCS Course Catalog
  • KCTCS Rules and procedures 2000
  • Organization Chart
  • Original ITV course evaluations – with handwritten comments
  • Many folders with single sheets stating only that a document or resource is on the Documents Table
  • Institutional Effectiveness Manual
  • Strategic Plan
  • Student Handbook
  • Budget for IT
  • GE 100 college overview class
  • ECC mathematics placement
  • Integrated curriculum
  • Program Review Format for RN Nursing
  • Advisor Evaluation Form
  • Orientation Evaluation
  • Program brochures
  • Dental Hygiene program
  • KYVU schedule
  • List of Businesses served
  • Form for External and Internal Overload
  • KCTCS evaluation task force – Performance Appraisal Process
  • Nursing degree
  • Media Center
  • List of KYVL databases
  • Library Guides – [all created by Laurie MacKellar, current archivist]
  • Resource Sharing Among the Libraries
  • Information about Courier service
  • ILL stats
  • Media Center holdings
  • Media Center Collection policy
  • SOLINET contract
  • Statement on Library Privileges for Technical College
  • Library Service Agreement sample
  • Course Syllabi and College Calendars (includes printed Schedule of Classes)
  • Advising Mission Statement
  • Statement that College Advising Manual is available on Documents Table
  • KCTCS Strategic Plan 2000 – 2005
  • Course Evaluation Form
  • CQT located in office
  • Notice of Primary Academic Appointment and Assignment
  • Student Evaluation Form
  • Distribution of Effort form


Folders containing syllabi for web courses


  • Exhibit folders 51 to 54- Information Technology (mission statement, budget, technology fee.)
  • Exhibit 55 – Student Handbook
  • Exhibit 56 – College Goals and Objectives
  • Exhibit 57 – Department and division goals and objectives
  • Exhibit 58 – Exit surveys
  • Exhibit 59 – Student Services Survey
  • Exhibit 60 – GE 100 syllabus
  • Exhibit 61 – letter regarding role of boards and local board governance
  • Exhibit 62 – memo and documents regarding new Technical College AAS degree
  • Exhibit 66 – advisory committee meeting minutes and documents regarding Technical College AAS programs (human services, law enforcement, nursing, etc)
  • Exhibit 67 – ECC organizational chart
  • Exhibit 68 – empty
  • Exhibit 69 – administrator assessment tool
  • Exhibit 70 – 1999 Alumni Survey Report
  • Exhibit 72 – revenues and expenditures
  • Exhibit 74 – Business Office organization and roles
  • Exhibit 75 – 2000-2001 budget requests. Budget, BOD meeting minutes, lists of non-recurring requests; appropriations
  • Exhibit 77. KCTCS annual budget
  • Exhibit 78. KCTCS current operating funds
  • Exhibit 79. Bookstore
  • Exhibit 80. UK notice of award of price contracts (things like vending machines.)
  • Exhibit 82. List of non-recurring ADA projects

Folder numbers that are missing: folder missing; documents missing within folder; statements that documents are on table


  • Current class schedule
  • Faculty Manual
  • Charter or Legislative Authorization
  • Published Policies of the Governing Board
  • Minutes of governing board on table
  • Faculty/staff directory
  • Admissions publications and College Brochures
  • Current Budget
  • Other Published – Executive Summary, Revenue/Expenditure Summary, Revenue/Expenditure Detail
  • Investment Policy
  • Faculty Personnel Files – With Personnel Officer
  • Faculty Rosters
  • Missing
  • Student Records  - With Student Records Officer
  • Missing
  • Missing
  • Missing
  • Financial Aid Records and Statistics
  • Student Publications (contains one copy of the College Street News and one copy of the Heartland Review)
  • Alumni Records and Publications. Contains ECC Update from 1994 to summer 1997; one issue published in 1998 (spring) and 2 issues published in 1999. 
  • Library Acquisitions and Circulation Statistics – on Documents table
  • Library Handbooks (I created these)
  • Library Mission Statement
  • Course Syllabi and Final Examinations – in Dean of Academic Affairs Office
  • Enrollment Statistics – on Documents Table
  • Grade Distributions