Date Range: 1986 to 2007.
Elizabethtown Community College and Elizabethtown Community and Technical College have produced a number of employee-targeted newsletters. They include ECC Newsletter, ECC Updates, ECC Facts and Figures, Campus Connection, HR News as well as some newsletters produced by specific departments. At this time it does not appear that such newsletters were produced in the 1960s, 1970s, and early 1980s. ECC Updates focused on the campus community from 1987 to 1989. From 1991 to 1997 it focused on alumni although it included campus and some faculty news.
"Your copy of this newsletter is one concrete result of the faculty-staff morale meetings held last spring...The newsletter's primary purpose is to provide the ECC "family" with the means to keep in closer touch, sharing our professional and personal news, publicly recognizing our colleague's accomplishments and airing our views on college concerns." From the August 1986 issue.
Beth Nickell Mimi Pike and Celia Winslow served as the newsletter's first editors. The newsletter was named, simply, Newsletter, with a long line before the word Newsletter. The September 1987 issue is the first with the title ECC Newsletter. Contents include new division chairs, new services, promotions, degrees earned, new classes offered; they also include personal details such as news of kids, new cars and an array of other personal tidbits.
June 1987 - Summer 1997. 18 pieces. First two issues focus on employees and college news; subsequent newsletters feature alumni, employees and college news
ECC Updates. For The Alumni and Friends of ECC
Moved to the Alumni box
September 13 1988
College growth, grants, new library automation system; personnel changes, calendar of events
January 29, 1989
SACS self-study; spring enrollment, National Community College Month, calendar of events
February 23, 1989
Upcoming 25th anniversary; Rotary scholarships; open forum topics; self-study committee memberships
March 16, 1989
Japanese Saturday School, fax numbers, search committees, Operation Gold Bar, Class Challenge, letter from Michael Coyle on retirement
May 3, 1989
AACJC Convention; North Central Campus Beautification Project; Title III Planning Grant; promotions, employee degree completions, Congratulations to Modesto, new telephone system, photocopying guidelines, calendar of events
November 1989 [taken from Calendar of Events]
Middy leaving; 1990-91 Goals and Objectives; enrollment; ECC choir invited to Frankfort; employee birthdays, self-study news; new hires, faculty news, calendar of events, Social and Behavioral Sciences Series
n.d - calendar of events is for late November only
Congratulations to ECC Quick Recall; ECC Trees (part of NCEF beautification project; Bicentennial Campus, Jackie Dennison Memorial Scholarship fund,, faculty news, Cunningham Award
1998 to 2007. Published monthly. One folder per year. 9 folders. No newsletters for 2005. General news and announcements; new procedures; faculty, staff, student highlights; upcoming events. Audience: ECC/ECTC employees
Newsletter. 11 pieces. 2007-2011. Audience: ECTC employees. Birthdays, events, instructions and guidelines for employees
Newsletter for School to Work program. Contains information for campus community about STW programs. 8 pieces. 1996 to 1998
KCTCS Exchange 2 pieces. Audience: KCTCS community. 2001-2002
S.S News. Student Support Services Newsletter. 2 pieces. 1995-1996
UKCC Newsletter. 1 piece. Fall 1993
Wellness Weekly/HR-Wellness Newsletter. 8 pieces. 4 pieces with no date- est. late 1980s. 4 pieces 2011-2013.